New Poem – you know…



You know how it is.

After all, in this life at least,

Our fate is rarely epic.


Maybe just as well,

Impervious heroes we are not…


No more than porous

Flesh and blood,

Blessed with all the vagaries

That accompany that sometime glorious

And often uneasy state,

Given our need to absorb,

To recover

From whatever comes our way,

For the journey ahead is a long one.


All this a pageant of life

Far easier to observe

In others, of course.


And because of that

It’s so easy sometimes


To just slide away,

To melt, oh so slowly

And unnoticed,

Into some long yawning drift

To nowhere left at all,

Where real joy might still be shining.


Alive, but as if lost

To any hope of rescue or rejuvenation.


That is till inner needs conjure,

As if in spite of you,

The alchemy of unexpected experience

Or chance encounter with a kindred spirit,

The kindness of strangers maybe?

Any of which might touch and re-ignite

Something precious within.


Mislaid flame of tender emotions



And with this, comes a sudden rush

Of warmth and validation

In the ensuing embrace,

The consequent smile,

The sigh of insight,

The tear that falls afresh.


As we stumble upon a brief moment

Of illuminated reflection

That, as if gifted,

Blesses and unburdens everything.

And you are an orphan to your soul

No more.



  1. So many touching images and beautifully crafted phrases. It is humbling and uplifting at the same time. Wonderful work!

  2. Mahnaz Mohafez

    How beautifully you shed light on the still words.I like this poem. Thank you, Scott!

  3. What a lovely and insightful poem. I really enjoy reading your work.

  4. The pageant of life is oft easier to see in the lives of others… And sometimes I think we are a bit more epic than we realise… At least in the eyes of others… smiles. An orphan to your soul no more… cool end… Hope we all get those moments of enlightenment…

    Good to see you sir…

  5. “All this a pageant of life
    Far easier to observe
    In others, of course.”

    Loved that line! & your closing line, as well! Such an insightful piece. This is my first time reading your work, Scott, & I will undoubtedly be back to read some more.

  6. An orphan to your soul no more… intriguing.

  7. Scott, what an excellent piece of writing and philosophy of life. I can identify so clearly with your words–which I needed at this time for restoration of my own life. Thanks for a great read!


  8. Yes, our moments of sheer brilliance seem few when spanned over the decades…but they do stand out – ‘illuminated’ – and I really really enjoyed this poem very much.

  9. I love the ease and flow here–insightful write–but such ease in the lessons imparted here.

  10. Scott, I cannot tell you how much I needed to read this right now in my life, thank you so much.


  11. Laura Bailey

    Your beautiful poem reminds us of our fragile nature in this environment that we call Earth. These thoughts of yours remind me of the writings of Robinson Jeffers who was also quite aware of time limits in relation to Universal history and I mean the comparison in the best of all possible ways. Great job Scott!

  12. Vinita Agrawal

    A beautiful easy-flowing poem. I loved the way it began so very simply and then just got effortlessly deeper and deeper. Absolutely adored the 5th stanza. And loved this line as well –
    …an orphan to your soul

    You have the mind of a philosopher and a true literary sense Scott, to be able to put words to what is natural and real.

  13. Sondra Kelly-Green

    There’s so much unselfconscious intimacy here that there’s room for one to own it for oneself. To tuck it away right where it’s needed most. Thank you. I did need it. A thought, a moment, a poem to carry with along with me in this pageant—as “a small player in a major production”. One who needs to meet a dear friend for an ale or two after every tough act.

    • Laura Laveglia

      Your poetry is art in motion!!!! I can feel your soul with your every word!

  14. A beautiful poem…the last stanza capping and resonating with me, particularly..x

  15. Thank you Scott, for the healing and enlightening poem.

  16. (Dr) Jelka Samsom

    Dear Scott, “The alchemy of the unexpected”, seems to be a major theme in your work, which make your poems, so tenderly written, so hopeful as well. Thank you once again!

  17. Very touching… heart rending, Scott sir… Keep up the good work… You made me cry… Your poem is so unfathomable; yet so natural, spontaneously written! Thanks…

  18. Louis Cecile

    The slow pace and pauses cause reflection on each word as it spirals towards the close. The words captivate and bring a sense of overwhelming emotion. Very well done.

  19. “An orphan to your soul
    No more…” Great close… To me this speaks about how easy we get lost in life and how it’s the small things that help us find and see ourselves again.

  20. Alma Jane Sirbu from Romania

    I read your poem now and with my language, not very well, in english. But I do understand your soul and the sadness you feel for any loss, maybe not the first in your life and I do hope you recover, to be you… as you were, before the loss. Maybe I don’t understand very well,because the words in poetry,are more difficult to understand than prose.Sorry if I dont know very well English, but you give me the feeling you are there, in your writing… For me, this lesson is very pleasant.

  21. No longer an orphan to your soul- I love this, beautiful.

  22. I appreciate the clarity you carry throughout the piece. Oftentimes longer poems get muddy and lose focus. You did not do that, here, so bravo! Your message, a tale of life’s experience, is direct and honest and open. I like that, too.

  23. What an uplifting piece of art Scott. It speaks vividly to the intricate parts of the human in all of us. Thank you so much.

  24. Laura Laveglia

    Your poem can help all of us! Thank you for this enlightening piece!

  25. I specially like the ending verses, it comes full circle with embracing and finding the spark within ~ Lovely read to your words ~

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend ~

  26. That final stanza is awesome. The composition builds and then Wow! I usually like to quote my favorite line, but there are too many from which to choose. Thanks.

  27. Nice imagery… I liked the lines esp. ‘Into some long yawning drift’… it conveys a sense of place and time without explicitly referring to one..

  28. Such an eclectic choice of words and phrases, reminds me of canonical works actually. 🙂

  29. Taps into spiritual themes of latter 20th century poetic traditions, while staying grounded in real human experience. Excellent work to read!

  30. Scott:

    Thank you for this brief moment of illuminated reflection. Your words speak to my soul, which is not an orphan, but nestled in the loving arms of the Spirit.

  31. So beautifully written, Scott. I especially like how this sounds- alchemy of unexpected experience.

  32. Hi Scott, I came by looking for a new poem from you, and reread this, and I had a moment like this today over cake and coffee with a friend. I felt such a connection with her, that I hadn’t experienced before. It rather brought me round to look at things as of late a bit differently. Thank you.


  33. Just love the way that you can bring the reader into the poem, the use of the English language to turn every stanza to a new and exciting way of thinking, is by far one of the greatest gifts that an excellent poet like yourself can deliver to us mere mortals.

  34. Bonnie Ferrante

    I love the orphan image in this beautiful poem.

  35. Robert Fabre

    Beautiful poem, beautiful images. The intersection between the divine and the human. Please keep writing.

  36. A beautiful poem! The concluding two lines draw one right back up to the beginning to read it again. Bravo!

  37. Pat Bodo

    GOOD job,Scott. I like the way you express yourself … The way you use imagery… I tell you,man – You are a genius…

  38. Very well written and nice ending.
    Thank you.

  39. A very deep poem, which no doubt, has a unique personal message to all who read it.

    ‘And because of that
    It’s so easy sometimes
    To just slide away,
    To melt, oh so slowly
    And unnoticed,
    Into some long yawning drift
    To nowhere left at all,
    Where real joy might still be shining.’

    Is this about life after death or the isolation a writer experiences or perhaps, neither of these. It would be nice to read what the poem meant to you, Scott.

    Scott says: Thank you Saeeda, I will write to you personally to talk about the inspiration behind this poem…

  40. John Rachel

    Excellent poetry. I wish I had your talent for writing poems. Very inspiring!

    And with this comes a sudden rush
    Of warmth and validation
    In the ensuing embrace,
    The consequent smile,
    The sigh of insight,
    Or the tear that falls afresh.
    As we stumble upon a brief moment
    Of illuminated reflection
    That, as if gifted,
    Blesses and unburdens everything.
    And you are an orphan to your soul
    No more.”

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