Readers Comments




My poetry looks to positively explore human potential, with an emphasis on love, spiritual growth and self awareness. It is very important to me that my work remains as open, accessible and as simply expressed as possible. My influences vary from the great traditional English visionary romantics through to the distillation of thought and leanness of expression offered by the Japanese haiku tradition, the shining examples of Rilke and Gibran – as well as (being a fully committed free verse poet…) the later technical breakthroughs achieved by leading Scottish concrete poets Ian Hamilton Finlay and Edwin Morgan.



To write and sell poetry at a profit these days is a minor victory and a major achievement. Scott’s words gently unlock and force you to face and look at the world with a little more optimism. There are moments of deep joy and others, which take your breath away with simple incredible honesty”

G. White


Scott Hastie’s verse is sympathetic, humanistic and positively affirmative. Accessibility is the touchstone of all Hastie’s output. The spiritual element in his writing is clear.” 

G.E. Jones


“Scott writes meditative, reflective poetry that is steeped in the traditions of English verse. Concise and richly evocative, he should be widely read.”

R. Godwin


“Via an invisible gilded chain of perception, Scott Hastie generously leads us through an enthusiastic re-invention of the possibilities of new experience. His inspired words bestride the world with such ease, touching the deepest sensibilities of human beings everywhere.”

Sahar Tavakoli




Don MacIver on New Poem To know… For T.S. Eliot

Shari Roberts, I could not express the essence of Scott Hastie any better. Wonderful!


Don MacIver on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

Oh, Scott, each visual presented here is reminiscent of the joys of life, what we all ascribe to have and to hold! I cannot help but feel emotional as lost in essence. The thoughtfulness that went into every corner of your lovely home is most telling, rest assured! My best to you and Maureen as always.


Don MacIver on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

Scott, dear friend, as always, your words assuage the human spirit with the gentle strokes of an artist’s brush, calling upon the human senses, a luminescence of hope, grounded truth and perspective. How deep runs the graces of your love of life, distilling even the most foreboding, languishing thoughts.

Your closing lines embody the healing mindset we all need to live a long and fulfilling life. I give unwavering thanks for your presence among us always.


Mahnaz on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

Very impressive, dear Scott! Thanks!


Jan Marquat on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

This is a lovely poem


Paul Bowles on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

Scott, I love it! Nice surprises. Reborn out of despondance with any tint of ruddy beauty we can call our own. Thank you for that fresh input into our day to day working view of ourselves. “To hell with that,’ lets revisit.


Shari Roberts on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

So, I’ve just read this several times as I always do and I’m once again amazed at the change of tone from the last poem. Yet, as you always do, perfectly hit the mark. I love it particularly, “To hell with that. Better by far, to remain exuberant, to confront life head on, and in good faith, seek out still the gentle miracles therein.” AMEN!!! It certainly is!


Pushkar Bischt on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

I am a big fan of T.S. Eliot. Thank you for reminding me of “Wasteland”.


Sunaina Sindhwani on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

This is something – a very powerful echo of our lives. Loved it .



Sara McNulty on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

“Seek out still

The gentle miracles


And that is what life is about. Beautiful poem, Scott!


Jeffrey Patrick Bennetv on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

Sweet wisdom, Scott. You manage quite gracefully to highlight the grand vistas without adding the weight of insinuation, the baggage of cardinal direction. It’s as if you would guide not the weary body, rather the wandering soul to choose its course. This for me arrives as a delicious reminder of life’s electric medium – not a linear launch, paddle, and strike ground sort of mastication, but a series of semi-permeable events we string together for the pure exuberance and unpredictable reward inherent in discovery.

Here is the call of liberty to union, and an invitation to make possibility personal. Beautiful work, Scott.

Scott says in reply:

I appreciate this comment very much – you really get what I was driving for here Jeffrey – so pleased you saw it all so clearly.


Banu Bidarkund on New Poem To know… For T.S. Eliot

This is beautiful. Powerful lines as you gently help us gather thoughts to the Eliotic likeliness you have brought out within your creativity towards a picture of “The gentle miracles Therein.”


Aria Ligi on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

Eliot was one of my first inspirations when it came to writing poetry. This piece, with its call to ‘barrenness’ and finding

Though somehow,

Despite the privations

We insist heaping upon ourselves,

Still stubbornly Electric!


And spectacularly alive…

Perfectly encapsulates the dichotomy between despair and hopefulness that Eliot captured so long ago.


Dee on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

Another great one.. last paragraph the best. I relate because I’m getting older and not giving g into age or time.
Beautiful work.. as ever.

Dora on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

“Kinetic bag of weary old skin … Still stubbornly Electric!” — I can’t help but feel that Eliot would be terribly pleased with this imagery that riffs off his own poetry of anxieties and desires. The note of hope at the very last is gracefully done.


Sunra Rainz on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

Whilst I defy the idea of being an “increasingly barren / kinetic bag of weary old skin” I enjoyed the wisdom and insight in your poem and its hopeful end 🙂


Lisa C. Miller on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot



Alan on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

Perhaps life is a secret miracle that does slowly reveal itself to us. Thought provoking poem!


Rall on New Poem – To know… For T.S. Eliot

Confronting life is daunting but as you said there are little miracles within that no one can take away.


John Rachel on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Yes . . .

Better by far,
To remain exuberant,
To confront life
Head on.
And, in good faith,
Seek out still
The gentle miracles

Good advice for those who have the choice.


J.T. Smith on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

I have excavated ruins of our modern civilization with poetry. The Wasteland is an appropriate metaphor. We rarely preserve it. It’s a golden dream. Simplicity expresses the most amount of wide emotions. It seems as though the mundane and the profound are semi-romantic partners. I wish I could praise all this through. I will have to re-listen more. I miss the vitriol and burn in an aging, mature philosopher king like yourself. It’s what lies hidden that is the root of inspiration. I am certain one day the Muse will thrust her almighty sword and anoint the holy ones.


Jim on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

I really like your ending verse. Tells it like it should be for me.


Rosemary Nissenn Wade on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Oh, how I love your up-beat conclusion! (Both exuberant and gentle; *smile*.)

Yes, Eliot’s mood could get very dour and dreary at times – as I guess is true of us all. I prefer his closing section of Ash Wednesday, particularly these lines in similar mood to your own conclusion above:

From the wide window towards the granite shore
The white sails still fly seaward, seaward flying
Unbroken wings

And the lost heart stiffens and rejoices
In the lost lilac and the lost sea voices
And the weak spirit quickens to rebel
For the bent golden-rod and the lost sea smell
Quickens to recover
The cry of quail and the whirling plover


Jennifer Wagner on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Yes and amen, Scott, to every bit of this! Here’s to remaining “stubbornly electric” (I like the way you put that)! I love this exuberant poem with that touch of tenderness at the end. So good to read you again!


Dwight L. Roth on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Yes, seize the day for sure!


Eric Erb on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Yes Scott! Shame and hiding fulfills nothing! Be you!


Rob Kistner on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Well written Scott, enjoyed the perspective.


Helen on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

I must say this [beautifully[ composed poem strikes a chord, and profoundly. As I age my ‘moving forward, never jelling’ philosophy is how I try to live life. I know just how fleeting it is. Cheers!


Laura Bailey on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Scott, Debating within yourself and without limits of life and death.
Most profound.
Yes, Life is hard but good.
Living it is our necessary object.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.


Magaly Guerrero on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

“Still stubbornly Electric!

And spectacularly alive…”

I’m going to tattoo these lines in the inside of my heart. The same goes for the closing stanza. They’ll make perfect war cries for those days when “spectacularly alive” feels like a myth.


William on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Sharing your hopes, Scott ! Reading the lines ‘day to day despond/and distraction’ one feels the problem very well. Then the poetic voice moves on to healing !! Thus, I feel, the path forward finds us……


Janice Towndrow on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Really Great Scott. I loved your observations on life as a human being – and how sometimes it’s like we are just part of the scenery. Very enjoyable reading.


Marja on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Beautiful!! I love “Kinetic bag of weary old skin” and “cloaking This heavenly mechanism Of ours In the sticky veneer Of day to day despond And distraction.” So true and Yes seek out “The gentle miracles” wow


Rajani on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Humans are indeed wired to be hopeful, to want to survive… so yes, we confront life as best we can…and seek out the miracles…though they aren’t always there to find. I like your positive note and urging but am in despair given what is happening in the world with war and destruction and climate breakdown.


Truedessa on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

One must always seek it’s the only way to find…Always know I will read something wonderful here…

Seek out still

The gentle miracles


Debi on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

“Honestly, Isn’t this every one of us”
“Kinetic bag of weary old skin.

You nailed it and then the admonition “Seek out still The gentle miracles”
Sometimes it seems too hard to do. But it is good advice.


Frankenberry on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Till we have lost all trace

Of valour,

Any tint of ruddy beauty

We can call our own.

To hell with that!

Nicely Done!


Nolcha Fox on New Poem For T.S. Eliot

I enjoyed reading your poem out loud, great fun on the tongue, especially these lines:

Of day to day despond

And distraction.


Andrew Wilson on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Scott, I am not as familiar with TS Eliot as I should be although I picked part of The Wasteland to learn for a recitation at age 10… So whilst I don’t see the references as I might, I find your poem to be a stirring exhortation to live life to the full (and not in an “inspirational quote” way!)

msjadeli on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Scott, so many good lines, hard to pick a favorite. The task is always to avoid that “comfortable numb”ing in the words of Roger Waters. I love how you conclude with “Seek out still / The gentle miracles / Therein.”


Brendan on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

Eliot the dour and sour kept his brilliance cloaked, whereas Swinburne the rhymin’ bunnybairn loved to ride down banisters naked. Not hard to tell who was the superior poet, nor who had the better time for it.

Kim Russell on New Poem – For T.S. Eliot

You channelled your inner T.S. Eliot in this poem, Scott, which resonated with me, especially the feelings of being ‘somewhat lost in the landscape’ and being ‘miraculously and spectacularly alive’. These lines stand out for me:
‘This heavenly mechanism
Of ours
In the sticky veneer
Of day to day despond
And distraction.’

Prof Natalia Fernandez Diaz Cabal on New Poem – To know… 

It’s amazing what you do…


Don MacIver on Maldives

Scott, truly engaging visuals here! I am envious of your world travel, the gift, and the subliminal presence that your earthly surroundings represent. Small wonder what moves and inspires you so powerfully to embellish each of your creative endeavours through the seamless mediums that you have chosen.

And, too, the palpable pleasures of the experience are shared equally between you and Maureen as you embrace the moments in the grace of our planet’s bounty. Love and best wishes to you both.



Dear Scott, you never cease to capture heart and soul through your written word; a scholarly, reverential, and descriptive narrative that draws the reader closer to know more, to fascinate, and to exemplify the revered essence for which you speak. Beautiful!


Alexandra Chudenova on New Poem – To know… 

Your poetry is very romantic and aesthetically beautiful.


Sara McNulty on New Poem – To know… 

Leaving a sweet song behind is a legacy. Beautiful poem, Scott.


Jan Marquat on New Poem – To know… 

Call me the breeze then,

As I pass on through.

Love it!


J. Cosmo Newberry on New Poem – To know… 

Your last stanza says it all.


Magaly Guerrero on New Poem – To know… 

That sweet music–the one we share and others spread–is everything. Especially these days… I hear you.


Mahnaz on Starburst

Beautifully said.


Mahnaz on Understood…

I totally concur.


Mahnaz on New Poem – To know…

So memorable, dear Scott! Thanks.


Punam on New Poem To know…

I love this, Scott. “Call me the breeze then”…how beautiful!


Mojo Bassey on New Poem – To know…

I loved your new poem, it’s a beautiful one, a fresh morning breeze…


Katy Jaing on New Poem – To know…

 Hi Scott,

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful poem with me. It truly brightened my day!


Geetashree Chatterjee on New Poem – To know…


I guess our whole existence in this world of mere mortals is like that of the breeze.It reminds me of a beautiful Hindi song

My name will get lost
My face shall be altered
My voice is my sole identity
If you care to remember


Paul Cannon on New Poem – To know…

Beautiful lines, and the work of a poet is their legacy.


Don MacIver on Understood…

Beautifully spoken words, Sarah Claudine Day! Scott, your audience reach could not be more worthy of your words. How gifted are all those who aspire to convey our/their most cherished of earthly desires through anything quite so levitating, transforming and assuring? You gift us an arresting sense of hope and goodwill, my friend.


Don MacIver on Starburst…

Thank you, dear friend; thank you for it all!


Don MacIver on Mind Blowing!

Yes indeed! Scott, you have embraced your definitive style, distinct in its demure, and truly inspiring and gracious to a fault. Surely, what fault could one find bathing in the presence of your words? As we walk through life, we sometimes struggle to express ourselves in a way that fosters a divine grace of enlightenment and hope, yet from the heart and soul flows the most inspirative narrative. Godspeed, my friend.


Don MacIver on New Poem – To know…

And what finer legacy to leave than “some sweet song”; no finer recognition could there be, nor more deserving, dear friend! You inspire greatly, Scott. Your voice resonates through such generous words, gentle yet with such wonderful affirmation and tone. “To know”…you, is to embrace no finer gift through this art we so love and hold dear.


Banu Bidarkund on New Poem – To know…

Amazing metaphor used by the poet here…


William on New Poem – To know…

Scott, I think you strike some very apt chords in this piece. Lovely phrasing throughout but for me the breeze reference is an especially thought provoking one. Beautiful work. Thank you.


Alcess Lewi-Brown on New Poem – To know…

An inspiring legacy to leave!


Lynn on New Poem – To know…

An inspiring legacy to leave!


Ali Grimshaw on New Poem – To know…

“To know

True beauty

Is to never

Be a slave again.”

Freedom can be found in these words.


Pushkar Bisht on New Poem – To know…

I enjoyed reading it. I love these lines very much.

To know
True beauty
Is to never
Be a slave again.


Shari Robersts on New Poem – To know…

A lustrous testimony to a personal metamorphosis. This certainly is sweet music to my heart. Thank you for always sharing and leaving a beautiful breeze that will always blow.


Munia Khan on New Poem – To know…

You do look like fresh morning breeze dear Scottie. Amazing piece of work reflecting my own thoughts as it is the inner urge of all the peace-seekers in a world of tyranny. I love it. I LOVE IT.


J.T. Smith on New Poem – To know…

The minimalist texture to your latest creation is admirable. You’ve decided to allow the words to speak in familiar tongues. Days that elapse tend to make sense whenever there is a moment of surrender. You are closer to the center now. Continue to hear the sweet songs ache and motivate your soul freely. Thanks for adhering to a quiet sensibility. one that attracts metaphors. In a matter of a stanza or two. you have accomplished a more fuller composition.


Marja on New Poem – To know…

Beautiful and yes you do leave behind some sweet poetic songs


Vidya on New Poem – To know…

So very beautiful Scott. Our words are part of our legacy…love these lines – Call me the breeze then, / As I pass on through.


Neena Sharma on New Poem – To know…

Let me be the sweet gentle breeze for others to sense, hear and smell…
For The True Beauty doesn’t enslave anyone,nor does it give any pain but always brings Hope Positivity and Gain.
So Simple, beautiful and insightful Scottie sir!

Congrats… Hope the Spring brings us more Joy, hope and Love this time. Amen

Warm Regards


Dwight L. Roth on New Poem – To know…

Beauty and lasting memories are what we all hope to experience in life. Well done Scott.


Jelka Parabirsing on New Poem – To know…

Dear Scott, and So you did… and So you do…☘️


Lisa C. Miller on New Poem – To know…

Powerfully said. I like this line:
So flay my skin


If you must,

Because there’s times

When I think

I do not belong

In such a world

That looks to cage me so.


Lisa C. Miller on New Poem – To know…

This is a lovely poem.
I like this line: Leaving behind me

At least

Some sweet song

For others to hear.


Laura Bailey on New Poem – To know…

Wonderful words with great profundity.
Thank you so much for sharing.


Kim Whysall-Hammond on New Poem – To know…

Call me the breeze- I love this!


Sunra Rainz on New Poem – To know…

Such a beautiful poem, Scott. You captured a tenderness and sense of gratefulness that is really touching. I especially felt it in this stanza:

“Hoping I too
Will bring the best
Of my presence
To bear.”


Aria Ligi on New Poem – To know…

So sweet and simple. I love this! The end lines
Hoping I too

Will bring the best

Of my presence

To bear.

Leaving behind me

At least

Some sweet song

For others to hear.

Perfectly bookend the piece leaving the reader with hope and joy.


Tapan Kumar Ghosh on New Poem – To know…



Mary on New Poem To know…

The comments here are a testament to how many lives you touch with your beautiful words. My life included. Thank you Scott. ❤️


Jane Dougherty on New Poem – To know…

So much better to leave such things behind than wealth and other things we use to gauge success.


Dee on New Poem – To know…

Another great piece. Leaving behind a testimony of the passing breeze.


Laura Laveglia on New Poem – To know…

The feeling of truly loving oneself and surrendering negative thoughts feelings is quite an accomplishment
Bravo my dear friend!!
This poem is truly for us to nurse and draw strength from
Thank you❤️


Ben Alexander on New Poem – To know…

For me, this poem is like a gentle breeze, carrying with it the essence of freedom and beauty. It’s like a soothing melody that lingers in your mind, leaving behind a sense of peace and inspiration.


Yvonne Osbourne on New Poem – To know…

“Call me the breeze then as I pass on through.” Sigh…lovely. And your ending, that’s all we can hope to do. You do it well.


John Rachel on New Poem – To know…

Wonderful work, Scott.

“Leaving behind me
At least
Some sweet song
For others to hear.”

The world would change for the better if everyone embraced this as their purpose in life.


Penelope on New Poem – To know…

Your words play like a song, the lilting breeze humming through life’s treasures.


Mrityunjay Dixit (Jay) on New Poem – To know…

So beautiful! Thank you for sharing.


Merrill D. Smith on New Poem – To know…

Lovely, Scott. I guess that’s all we can hope for.


Rob Kistner on New Poem – To know…

Beautiful Scott. ✌


Rajani on New Poem – To know…

Hoping I too
Will bring the best
Of my presence
To bear… I think as poets, being witnesses of the reality around us, perhaps is one tiny way to do that..


Rosemary Nissen Wade on New Poem – To know…

Now that’s a worthy ambition!


Eric Erb on New Poem – To know…

If a song remains you have done well


Helen on New Poem – To know…

Huge sighs of contentment from me, not too much to ask .. to hope for. “The best of my presence to bear ….”


Colleen on New Poem – To know…

Hello breeze. This is an enchanting spell.


Gillena Cox on New Poem – To know…

“Call me the breeze then,

As I pass on through.”

Life and legacy intertwined. Very nice.



Brendan on New Poem – To know…

All we get is to play the music awhile until our breath becomes air. Well said, friend.


Mish on New Poem – To know…

Beautiful and insightful. I think we should all leave “sweet songs” on this earth. I especially love this line…

“Call me the breeze then,

As I pass on through.


Bjorn Rudberg on New Poem – To know…

This speaks to me of freedom, and the joy of leaving something behind.


Kim M. Russell on New Poem – To know…

‘Leaving behind me
At least
Some sweet song
For others to hear’ – that’s what we’re doing as poets.


Elwin Dillu on New Poem  Remember…

It’s an exquisite piece of writing with vivid expressions. The words seem to possess a piercing impact marking the presence of an intimate gravity capable enough to pull anyone into the same trance the author is in.
Commendable indeed, Scott!




  1. Sarah Claudine Day

    While poetry is generally designed to connect us with beauty and emotion, Scott’s work goes beyond that in an important way: it gives readers the feeling that the teller himself is as lovely as the content, and elevates us to a sense that we are privileged to see things through his eyes. As his work gains a wider and wider audience, this phenomenon will become more fully recognized, but perhaps never fully explained.

  2. Your poetry is simply beautiful, energetic, full of wit
    and exuberant vitality.

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