Readers Comments – Archive 2021




My poetry looks to positively explore human potential, with an emphasis on love, spiritual growth and self awareness. It is very important to me that my work remains as open, accessible and as simply expressed as possible. My influences vary from the great traditional English visionary romantics through to the distillation of thought and leanness of expression offered by the Japanese haiku tradition, the shining examples of Rilke and Gibran – as well as (being a fully committed free verse poet…) the later technical breakthroughs achieved by leading Scottish concrete poets Ian Hamilton Finlay and Edwin Morgan.



To write and sell poetry at a profit these days is a minor victory and a major achievement. Scott’s words gently unlock and force you to face and look at the world with a little more optimism. There are moments of deep joy and others, which take your breath away with simple incredible honesty”

G. White


Scott Hastie’s verse is sympathetic, humanistic and positively affirmative. Accessibility is the touchstone of all Hastie’s output. The spiritual element in his writing is clear.” 

G.E. Jones


“Scott writes meditative, reflective poetry that is steeped in the traditions of English verse. Concise and richly evocative, he should be widely read.”

R. Godwin


“Via an invisible gilded chain of perception, Scott Hastie generously leads us through an enthusiastic re-invention of the possibilities of new experience. His inspired words bestride the world with such ease, touching the deepest sensibilities of human beings everywhere.”

Sahar Tavakoli



Gillena on New Poem – Life is…

A beautiful poem Scott.

“A sacred hamper

Of hope then,”

My favourite lines

Best Wishes for 2022


Mojo J. Bassey on New Poem – Set Against…

Inspiring and thoughtful! Scott, this is an amazing piece of art.


Don MacIver on New Poem – Set Against …

Dear friend, how remarkably healing your words are; I truly wish that those who harbour darkness of thought and deed could, and would, read your words here. Our world would surely be a much different and better place for all to cohabitate and live appreciatively, nurturing life with such purpose and loving grace.

I truly needed to be here today, in your sphere of gentility and wholesome being. You give me a reborn faith and forbearance for life as it is, and should always be, a gift in the giving and receiving. Thank you for every moment of this, your divine purpose.


Don MacIver on Just as we would…

Scott, I see so clearly the defined space of your thoughts through your purpose. I know that I have read and absorbed the goodness of words when I engage in your own.


Don MacIver on Caught as I still am…

A profound expression, Scott. This visualization serves the words so wonderfully. This is, of course, is the connection that I so strongly desire to achieve through my own poetic writings. Here, so little is said, yet so clearly reflective of life in many ways.


Don MacIver on New Poem – Recent Writing…

“Remember that glorious

Moonlit swim?

Or the time, one pungent

And luminous

Late summers afternoon,

We ran so freely

Across the broad slope

Of the farmer’s

Newly harvested field,

Like wild horses forever.

We claimed those moments

For ourselves, didn’t we?…”

Scott, we both share the spirit and infinity of loving nature and the tremendous goodness that guides the essence of our being through life and all that is should be. This particular segment of your works shared here touched me deeply and it embodies all that I was raised to maintain so close to my heart and soul. If one cannot recognize and appreciate those truly significant moments in their lives, where is a life fully in the living? So marvellous, Scott. You have such a powerful connection to life.


JT the Elder on New Poem – Set Against …

Here the Universe winks at us and shows us its layers of nightly silver attire.

I must admit this particular verse reminds me so much of the beauty that surrounds with its opposite vibes amidst this cruel pandemic. there is always JoY.

I felt younger listening to each stanza above. It provided me inspiration in an organic and simple spectacle.

More lines like sequinned skirts please. we are dazzled yet we still long for another sea to arrive.


Dee Ashby on New Poem – Set Against …

Once again you managed to open the season with new perspective. I never tire of your work. And await your next published poem. Currently I have all your published works. This is beautiful…


Nivedita Yohana on New Poem – Set Against…

You have carved out yet another brilliant piece of poetry. Just when we think, the fire has died down, the smouldering sparks rise from the ashes just like the Phoenix when we least expect. That’s the beauty of life. I love the playful, flirtatious use of the words fathomlessly…Sequined skirts in the following lines.

And the dark night

Still gathers up

Her fathomlessly

Sequined skirts

Around you.

t is almost as if the night is teasing you with her fathomlessly sequined skirt, skirting around you. It does, doesn’t it? Love it!


Marieta Maglas on New Poem – Set Against…

Indeed, the light fades and we have instead many disasters~if we think IT is a connection between water, electricity, and light, we can find an explanation.Beautiful poem. God’s blessing.


Michael Stokes on New Poem – Set Against…

Nice piece Scott. Read well also.


Akasha on New Poem – Set Against…

Hi Scott, I have to say that I adored your piece. I liked your form, as I felt it match its rhythm of the verses. Your descriptive language provided lukewarm and comforting feelings, as this prose could describe a love from afar situation or grieving over a loss of something or someone you felt strongly for.

The prose sang a song that softly hummed and tuned each word fluently and elegantly in every line the verses. This piece possessed a voice of sentimental acceptance of either a loss or love from afar, while hiding the hurt and yearning or grief.

Very great read!!!

Neena Sharma on New Poem – Set Against

One of your finest works Scottie sir…So Thought provoking and insightful!
How exquisitely you have depicted the profundities of life, juxtaposed with the yin-yang of Disappointment and Excitement, Pleasure and Pain …Joy-Sorrow…The dichotomy of Darkness and Light. Yet ending on a happy positive note. Indeed One must revel in the memories and Memoirs of the wonderful heydays of Life; enough to spur us on, to keep moving…

Loved the First Three lines and the concluding verse :

Set against

A cavernously


Star-lit sky.

And the dark night

Still gathers up

Her fathomlessly

Sequined skirts

Around you.

That ends up with a beautiful message and Moral.

Congrats Scott sir!

With Fond Regards


Parlay Yvette on New Poem – Set Against

wonderFULL imagery


Helen on New Poem – Set Against

Your poem is beautifully conceived ~~ a gift.


Max F. on New Poem – Set Against

It’s amazing!


Katie Jhiang on New Poem – Set Against

So beautiful, yet full of strength…


Jim on New Poem – Set Against

Scott, this is a novel idea for me, writing of the blank and wrong pages in ones life. The blanks remind me of how a prisoner must feel, time wasted, spent on four walls, so much of his life spent that can never be recovered. A lot of conscripted GI’s feel that way in peacetime when there are no battles to fight.
I liked the dark wrapping one in her skirt. That is me, I sleep like a baby as soon as I put my feet down and close my eyes I go right to sleep…


Jenna on New Poem – Set Against

This is hopeful without being delusional. 🙂

Magical Mystical Teacher on New Poem – Set Against

You’ve given me hope with this image: I’m a spark, and I can (and will) fly! Thank you, Scott!


Magaly Guerrero on New Poem – Set Against

“And marvel
At how
Can still fly!”

I love this stanza so much. It’s a truth the world needs to hear and should embrace. Seeing wonder in what we still–especially when times are rough–is the best kind of medicine.


Sunaina on New Poem – Set Against

Absolutely beautiful.


Beverly Crawford on New Poem – Set Against

Your words weave a magic carpet we ride to find, still, glimmers of hope.


Yvonne T. Osbourne on New Poem – Set Against

Nice! I like it. A lot. Especially the last four lines, evoking evening’s sequined skirts gathering around me. And a full moon last night and tonight.


Graham C. Lester on New Poem – Set Against

The sky is empty, apart from the stars, and our lives also have stars in the midst of the void.


Rommy on New Poem – Set Against

The sight of those sparks can lift our spirits like nothing else.


Rosemary Nissen-Wade on New Poem – Set Against

Beautiful images!


Nadeli on New Poem – Set Against

Oh, this is perfect. Is there a more apt description of the night sky than fathomlessly sequined skirts? I hope not


Cressida on New Poem – Set Against

Beautiful…the earth is soft and kind and like so many others here I like the night’s sequined skirts.


Khaya Ronkainen on New Poem – Set Against

There’s beauty in things set against a star-lit sky, and as your wonderfully penned piece captures. Beautiful write, Scott.


Vandana on New Poem – Set Against

Life goes on and we have to keep believing!


Don MacIver on Magic

Yes, yes, indeed Scott! This stunning visual and your engaging words pulled me in. ‘Choice’ is often a forgotten and powerfully meaningful element of life that is and always has been there yet we seem to get consumed in the many moments and the distraction clouds life’s alternatives at hand now and always.


Don MacIver on Top of the World

Powerfully inspiring, Scott! Each time I venture ever upward on life’s towering mountain I pause to reflect on what truly could be. I have found in your words here the very same perspective, whether in career, deeply into a new relationship, and quite profoundly through my own writing. Lofty experience may only come once in a lifetime, but, oh, the enormous and incalculable sense of self-worth and fulfilment. I am high on praise for your internal soul and perspective, dear friend. It uplifts my spirit and makes me whole.


Don MacIver on Prospect of Delight

As I came upon this beautiful visual it caught my breath. So many times do I gaze upward with a mystic fascination for the cloud formations high above, especially on a windy day as each brushstroke of billowing beauty twists a sinewy spin to the dance of time and gentility in the nature of things. This would serve to remind us of all possibilities, would it not? Life unfolds as it will with any minor miracle.


Don MacIver on New Poem – Set Against

Scott, your words speak to me in so many ways here; I truly relate! Your closing lines are divine. You are deeply in the zone right now my friend; but then again, hasn’t that always been the case? Beautiful.


Punam on New Poem – Set Against

“And the dark night

Still gathers up

Her fathomlessly

Sequined skirts

Around you.” That is incredibly beautiful imagery. Wonderful write.


Sanaa Rivzi on New Poem – Set Against

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous write!


Maxim Chernikov on New Poem – Set Against

I sincerely thank you for your sincere desire to share the most intimate thing that the poet has – these are his new works. In our crazy time, in order to see the subject better, I close my eyes! Not many people can understand this, but poets will understand. I’m glad to see you as cheerful as in the photo. It is a great happiness to create such a wonderful mosaic from fragments of life.


Hedgewitch on New Poem – Set Against

This is just beautifully done. Perhaps we are not as hollowed out as we think if we still can strike such sparks. As everyone has said, the last lines are penetrating, musical and perfect.


Marion Horton on New Poem – Set Against

Beautiful philosophy in your poem Scott.


Mrityunjay Dixit (Jay) on New Poem – Set Against

Beautifully penned!


Riya Sachdeva on New Poem – Set Against

I believe in the imagery woven intricately into the tapestry of words, and beyond. This is beautiful!


Ingrid on New Poem – Set Against

This is a wonderful poem about enjoying the blessing of each moment. It is all we can do! I also love the imagery of the final stanza especially.


Out of the cave on New Poem – Set Against

I really, really love the last stanza. The imagery is superb.


MS Jadeli on New Poem – Set Against

Well, when you put it that way… Marvelous!


Tricia Sankey on New Poem – Set Against

Your poem has a lot of truths hidden away (under those sequined skirts) excellent write!


Gillena on New Poem – Set Against

Always I luv reading your poems Scott. Nice that hope tells us that night can be a beautiful, caring part of day also.

Much Love


Ken Gierke on New Poem – Set Against

Looking up to those stars, it’s hard not to dream, have hope.


Christopher Reilley on New Poem – Set Against

This was quite lovely, thank you.


Glenn Buttkus on New Poem – Set Against

Despite aging, pain, and disability–despite the continuum of the New Crusades, the rise of vile fascist factions, despite the glaciers melting in our lifetime, despite the pandemic with its victims piled up like cord wood, like Jack’s deathstalk, despite Big Pharma’s opioid connections–despite dark money and larcenous lobbyists, despite the things I have given up, still, still, your words move me, and a faint flicker of hope begins again.


Brendan on New Poem – Set Against

Such a gentle acceptance and discovery of how much more there is in less. Who needs testosterone supplements when there are grander skirts to lift!


Merrill D. Smith on New Poem – Set Against

Lovely and inspirational, Scott.


Bjorn Rudberg on New Poem – Set Against

I just love the way you describe the night with her sequinned skirt… Sounds like a lady of my liking.


Colleen on New Poem – Set Against

Time to dance with that starry skirt, twirl!


Munia Khan on New Poem – Set Against

Your words sparkle with the light of purity and hope, dear Scott. So much enjoyed your eloquent phrases like ‘soft kind earth’, ‘Sequined skirts’…simply amazing! Thanks for creating this gem.


Shobana Gomes on New Poem – Set Against

Just beautiful. Exquisite imagery.


Truedessa on New Poem – Set Against

You weave your words with wondrous wisdom and magic.


Stacey on New Poem – Set Against

Thanks for this


Mary Hood on New Poem – Set Against

What refreshing words of hope for such a time as this. Thank you!


Jelka Parabirsing on New Poem – Set Against

An inspring and uplifting piece! Thank you dear Scott!


Mahnaz on New Poem – Set Against

This wonderful piece of your shining thoughts will make my day, dear Scott! Thank you kindly.


Lu Ann on New Poem – Set Against

Very nice!


John Lysaght on New Poem – Set Against

Scott has an ability to capture everyman`s journey, both with the clouds of disappointment and the light of renewal. With his juxtaposition of dark and light, hope and love prevail, and the potential for discovery, and for re-discovery endure.


Seddigheh Badiei  on New Poem – Set Against

My mind is captured by the soul that imagines the poem. Thank you


William Bain on New Poem – Set Against

Excellent. The images are very poignant, light and dark, the brightness out as stars, sequins, sparks. Such a positive view!


Pushkar Bischt on New Poem – Set Against

Beautiful expression


Brian Walker on New Poem – Set Against

Says something about life and living also making the reader think about as you describe this beautiful earth. Your piece of writing has a power of its own which draws the reader in making it an excellent example of poetry writing.

I salute you Scott.


Mary Dahl on New Poem – Set Against

This poem goes hand in hand with my celebration of life. Thank you, Scott!


Lawrence Cheoung on New Poem – Set Against

What a beautiful poem about life. To be alive and well is blessed and wonderful. 🙂


Laura Bailey on New Poem – Set Against

A beautiful sentiment wonderfully told.
Thank you Scott so very much for sharing !


Laura on New Poem – Set Against

It gives us plenty to think about. Ingest each word and line our soul with it! This my friends is called hope and faith. Our beautiful Earth still gives us what it has for million of years. Thank you Scottie for this thought provoking poem
The human race needs this beautiful reminder with all its going on.


Jan Marquat on New Poem – Set Against

The last three lines of this poem brought me to choke up. So Lovely and what a vision.


Aria Ligi on New Poem – Set Against

I love all of this, so it’s hard to pick one part and quote it. All of it marvelously folds together in a neat tapestry of joy.


John Rachel on New Poem – Set Against

THAT was a refreshing respite from the gloomy sputterings which are the currency of the human conversation these days.

Lovely work!


Charlene Redick on New Poem – Set Against

Your wonderful writing and perseverance is inspiring Scott. Every good wish!


Lisa C.Miller on New Poem – Set Against



Shari Roberts on New Poem – Set Against

Yes, it is perfect timing for this magical poem! So hopeful, inspiring, and thoughtful! Cheers dear man to what lies ahead!


Jeffrey Patrick Bennett on New Poem – Set Against


I’ve been reading your poems since at least 2012. Each time is some awakening—I’m not quite sure yet what is to be, or how my hollowed out remnants fold into becoming, but when my thoughts play it out they do it in silly putty. Reading you, however, I find new thoughts: if one looks out at the “… dark night” who “gathers up/ [h]er fathomlessly/ [s]equined skirts …” what one witnesses is their own folding, their own becoming on a cosmic scale. Pictures of black holes are empty in the center. Inside is where we will be, I hear you saying. Orion’s belt isn’t Orion’s, exactly, I hear you suggest. Every time I read your generous work, I find new names for comets. Keep going, please. This is one place I know where the foot meets the road.


Martina Reisz-Newberry on New Poem – Set Against

A PERFECT POEM! Just lovely, as always.


Rebecca O’Donnell on New Poem – Set Against

Absolutely beautiful. Perfect timing as always, Word Artist.


Thaddeus Chauvin on New Poem – Time is…

In reply to Lisa Miller.

Great work


Don MacIver on Brief Reward

Amen to that my friend! This clearly demonstrates the desire, longing, and rewarding perspective that facilitates a new perspective and grateful acclaim for its giving. The visual is so strongly artistic and lending itself worth of accompanying the words. Beautiful.


Don MacIver on Recent Writing 

Truly demonstrative representations of the essence of the Scott Hastie story. When I first came across Scott’s poetic works, I sat up at attention to something that I had craved for, aspired to, longed to be inspired by… Yet felt had long been lost to the literary world.

I have struggled at times to find just the right words to describe the reader’s experience while deeply engaging in Scott Hastie’s countless works of enduring tender, graceful, spiritual, and healing words. I always feel a great sense of nurturing through this poet’s gentle voice, the tone of which is not only read, but absorbed deeply into one’s own spiritual and physical being.

Never have I had a sense of disappointment nor an experience that lacked meaning, when engaging in the writings of Scott Hastie. The heartbeat leaps to a greater sense of rhythm and anticipation with each new piece, so generously polished. There is a gracious promise of hope and beauty in every line, carefully yet naturally sculpted in best practice and presentation. Time and time again, whispers of enlightenment resonate within me, long after each reading.

There aren’t enough words to express how deeply I treasure the Scott Hastie reading experience; deeply personal, both in its tone and sense of rejuvenating release, so often delivering renewed, eagerly anticipated perspective, as well as nuggets of self-realization. For us all, some sense of personal hope and inspiration is so critical these days and all those who can be forgiven for assuming that contemporary poetry and prose lacks these substantive essentials have obviously never read Scott Hastie. The written word remains a powerful essential in our lives. Never more so than in the poetry of Scott Hastie that delivers answers to our deepest prayers, time and time again.


 Don MacIver on Giving Gloriously 

I always marvel at just how few words can deliver such profound meaning; beautiful, Scott. So renriching.


Sharmishtha Basu on Treacle Heart

So beautiful!


Sharmishtha Basu on Tears

Beautiful compliments for amazing works!


Sharmishtha Basu on Pillows

Lovely truth!


Sharmishtha Basu on Giving Gloriously


Sharmishtha Basu on Press Release Summer 2021

This is awesome! I did not know that you have a page in wikipedia! That is quite rare for authors believe me! All you will see there are movie actors and sports persons.

Hats off!


Bjorn Rudberg on New Poem – Time is…

I love how much the word fermenting was in turning the process into positive… maybe we need to find the umami also in life.


Sanaa Rivzi on New Poem – Time is…

The colours of promise in those fresh flowerings are the comfort and meaning.


Ken Gierke on New Poem – Time is…

The colours of promise in those fresh flowerings are the comfort and meaning.


Phillip A. Woodruff on New Poem – Time is…

Loved this poem Scott, these lines really resonated with me:


An unending aspiration

To make the world


Which is,

In itself,

A rebellion

Against waste.”

Very well said…


Grapeling on New Poem – Time is…

It appears the ephemeral moment is on so many poets minds – and pens – these days, and so clearly expressed here.


Colleen Redman on New Poem – Time is…

A clean sweep. I think I feel comforted.


Shawna on New Poem – Time is…

“A rebellion
Against waste.”

“in their
Glorious wake,
A re-energised belief
In redemption”

“Life seen afresh
In iridescent
Colours of promise,
Long since hewn
From an abandoned sky.”

My favorites


Esther Sommer on New Poem – Time is…

I Think we all need something “glorious” in this time of making ends meet for ouselves, and also for those we have taken responsibility for. Yet there are in fact things that cannot be “swept away” so easily. Don’t we fight for Love in order to make it last? To make it outlast Time, this cruel old dragon? Don’t we fight against the traces of time when we discover wrinkels or grey hairs? Not just to give “comfort” to ourselves, but also to a loving partner? It’s very encouraging that you call hope and endurance a “rebellion against waste”. Yet, isn’t the earth too “soiled” by the traces of human frailties? Here Time can be not the destroyer, but the healer. As it is said in an Old English elegy: That (good time) passed, this (present bad time) will also be over sooner or later. (“Thisses overeode, swylches mag swa overgan.”)

I am pretty certain that you had the ‘rose’ in mind when you speak of the “fresh flowerings.” Aren’t they especially beautiful this year? Swift calls it “the glory of our morn” in his ‘Ode to Dr William Sancroft.’

So, dear Scott, I hope that I am not mistaken when I detect this kind of “purpose” and “meaning” in your poem. Thanks for sharing!


Kerfe on New Poem – Time is…

This is such a poem of both comfort and hope. We need both in the world right now.


Brendan on New Poem – Time is…

Ya gotta believe. Thanks for sharing the colors of it, we comb them into our day. – B


Ingrid on New Poem – Time is…

I think your opening stanza will resonate with many people around the world right now. I think about these things a lot. I love the turn towards optimism and the idea of the world being made anew!


ms jadeli on New Poem – Time is…

When the tears of resignation can be repurposed to a rainbow it’s a good day. You laid out this idea so beautifully, Scott.


Truedessa on New Poem – Time is…

Your poetry always runs deep. It always hangs on to hope when it all seems so lost. In the last year we have all learned how quickly our lives can change. Your words bring calmness to the soul.


Hank Kaykuala on New Poem – Time is…

Colours of promise,
Long since hewn
From an abandoned sky

Love the close Scott! One cant help but be expecting and hopeful of blessings which often side-stepped those caught in a web of hopelessness.


Bev on New Poem – Time is…

I love the hopefulness here. Echoes what I was trying to say, but much more eloquently!


Merrill D. Smith on New Poem – Time is…

I think this year especially we’ve seen how quickly everything can change. Lovely poem, Scott.


Grace on New Poem – Time is…

I am always hopeful of this one:

Fresh flowerings

Will come.

Happy summer!


Don MacIver on literary review and analysis of my earlier poetry by Aria Ligi

After reading this, Aria Ligi’s most recent review, I have felt a renewed sense of inspiration and the need to delve deeply into your treasured words once again.

Aria has such a gift in her analytic prose as it were. I found myself entrenched in the chosen written selections of your work and I really must say that they are a tremendous representation of the spellbound, deeply resonating writings that you have devoted so much of your life ‘bringing to life’ before our very eyes, sense and sensibilities.

I must engage with her work shared online and will seek her out with great expectations.


Don MacIver on New Poem – Time is…

Dear Scott, you wrap the reader in a cloak of renewal, regeneration and the promise of things to come. Positivity is nurturing, relative to its genuine delivery and the inspiration that envelops the mind and spirit through its heartfelt engagement. From a year now past where so many have felt thoroughly disengaged, a dire separation that cries for a return to normalcy, and the reason to believe in what the future has to hold, your gentle stroke of the pen is truly timely in this regard.

Thank you as always for delighting with the beauty and elevation of your words.

Divya on New Poem – Time is…

This is beautiful.
Your words calm my heart.
Love this
Keep up the good work


Anjula Singh Bhadauria on New Poem – Time is…

Nice one


J. John Nordstrom on literary review and analysis of my earlier poetry by Aria Ligi

Aria Ligi’s review of New Poetry shows how brilliant an interpreter of poetry she is. She taps into the deepest vein of Hastie’s Romantic-Era-inspired verse, providing the laymen a way to mine what is most precious. She begins at the surface descending with surety through a myriad of layers toward the pith festooning Hastie’s poetic imagination. As many composers of the late 18th and 19th centuries realized, beauty at its most profound level is often associated with the deepest sadness. Ligi’s read of Hastie’s collection, New Poetry, validates the truth in this. Bravo Aria Ligi! Bravo Scott Hastie! J. John Nordstrom


Paul Bowles on New Poem – Time is…

So true, and poignant in Canada at this time. “Fermenting an unending aspiration to make the world anew.”
I love “iridescent colours of promise,” but the whole poem is so simply and nicely crafted. A Hastie gem. Thank you for it. Paul.


(Homg) Katy Jiang on New Poem – Time is…

In reply to Lisa Miller.

You wouldn’t believe how much it touches and soothes a sensitive heart. It’s utterly beautiful. Thanks for sharing, Scott!


Munia Khan on literary review and analysis of my earlier poetry by Aria Ligi

I applaud Aria’s in depth review here on Scott’s amazing work. I echo her critical analysis when she said- “One can almost hear Wordsworth in these lines when he describes the ‘delicate pastel peonies’…” Her eloquence in critiquing Scott’s poetry is praiseworthy enough to quite understand her amazing literary skill. Her artistic expression on a great poet’s work certainly has proved her as talented a poet as Scott himself. Very well done to Aria Ligi!


Munia Khan on New Poem – Time is…

Indeed life is short but poetry like this is eternal. Excellent work, Scott as always. You never fail to inspire us with your word craft. I love this poem.


Neena Sharma on New Poem – Time is…

Oh…Enjoyed every bit of your new poetic Marvel…So uplifting!

The following verse really touched me, Scottie sir.

After all,

From the soiled earth

Fresh flowerings

Will come.

And in their

Glorious wake,

A re-energized belief

In redemption,

True beauty.”

Yes indeed…Life is short and with a recent spate of Crisis after crisis , with Death Knells ringing everywhere, it makes us ponder What is this life rife with so much of strife and uncertainties around, can we really see our life making a beeline on the path to Happiness, especially in Light of the current scenario of World Crisis, The Killer Pandemic?!

Your lovely poem springs Pearl Of Hope, dear Scottie sir.
Hope to see the new Dawn of the day as promised by you, through your wonderful creative piece…The current insurmountable problems soon to become evanescent like a drop of dew, to enjoy life in different hues; By the end of our sojourn…

Thank You for the lovely Gift!
Congrats Once again…

With Fond Regards


Katy Jiang on New Poem – Time is…

Dear Scott,

I almost cried over your poem. You wouldn’t believe how it soothes a sensitive heart. It’s a keeper. It inspires me for some art.

Colleen on New Poem – Time is…

Fermenting and balm stand out for me and go well together.


Shobana Gomes on New Poem – Time is…

I found the poem melancholic, Scott. It brings out the beautiful moments to treasure in life. Thank you.


Jan Marquat on New Poem – Time is…

Lovely poem.


Helen on New Poem – Time is…

Scott, this is gorgeous … approaching 80 this Fall, I appreciate how life can and probably will turn on that darned dime!


Susie Clevenger on New Poem – Time is…

Life can certainly turn on a dime and mine seems to do it at warp speed. We must cling to something more than the parade of misery.


Bev on New Poem – Time is…

Beautiful, Scott. Nature reassures of if we but stay aware.


Hazel on New Poem – Time is…

The colours of promise are a rainbow in the sky. It’s wonderful to believe in redemption.


Magaly Guerrro on New Poem – Time is…

An unending aspiration
To make the world

Which is,
In itself,
A rebellion
Against waste.”

I love those two stanza so much, Scott. They are perfect for this time, a reminder that things can get better if we fight to make them so. The phrase “a rebellion / against waste” will stay with me for a very long time.


Rebecca O’Donnnell on New Poem – Time is…

This is beautiful. Aria’s breakdown of your poetry is spot on. She has a lyrical soul which recognizes who and what you are.


Rosemary Nissen Wade on New Poem – Time is…

I especially like the concept of a rebellion against waste!


Khaya Ronkainen  on New Poem – Time is…

Time is forever short, indeed. But I like how hope is conveyed in your poem, with things to bloom from the “soiled earth”. We need to believe that. Thank you for sharing your uplifting words.


Rommy on New Poem – Time is…

I love the the idea of purposeful and joyful living as an act of rebellion. This made my morning.


Robin on New Poem – Time is…

If only more people would appreciate the beauty all around us including of course reading others writing of poetry and stories.


Sharmishtha Basu on Writing …

Your poems have not conquered my heart only, they have conquered the hearts of so many other readers too. They are truly beautiful and fragrant.

Sharmishtha Basu on literary review and analysis of my earlier poetry by Aria Ligi

A bouquet of flowers from one poet to another! I hope you wont mind if I share it in my blogs and Ezine.


Sharmishtha Basu  on Spring…

We will.


Sharmishtha Basu on Burning River…

So true!


Sharmishtha Basu on Beauty…

Ah! Indeed breath-taking beauty!


Sharmishtha Basu  on Finesse…

Amen! As long as the taxes are not too high to be paid!


Sharmishtha Basu on New Poem – Time is…

So full of true beauty and hope. Gestures and words when they come from heart can transform worlds!


Pushkar Bisht on New Poem – Time is…

Hi Scott,

enjoyed reading your piece.

Beautiful lines.

After all,
From the soiled earth
Fresh flowerings
Will come.



J.T. Smith on New Poem – Time is…

Time is shortened by mere action not acute observations as such. i try to notice beauty in various forms. your modern introspection is like a soft blanket that cools our aches and woes. i realize that mortality seems to quicken whenever we ignore its gift. it feels as though our mortal coil becomes a rather tedious analogy after too many mistakes. we all rise with the elevating stars and swim with the moon’s shadow. Thanks for upholding the torch of hope and remembrance. we need more artists like Mr. Hastie to discover.


JT Smith on literary review and analysis of my earlier poetry by Aria Ligi 

I’m no professional critique artist but if i was i’d emulate Aria Ligi’s epic yet tempered commentary on Scott Hastie’s early poetry. Tonight, I listen to American Music Club on and I felt like everything was ideally, perfectly composed here. I suppose Mr. Hastie’s allegiance towards the English Romantics is quite evident. I know that the genesis of these ideas create an elegantly adorned foundation. I can only marvel at the wisdom and knowledge for someone so young. we all wish we were a child once or twice in adulthood. Thanks Aria for your profound analysis on my dearest friend’s compositions. Be one with the masters of lit.


Gillena Cox on New Poem – Time is…

Love the thread of hope running throughout

Thanks for inviting me to read your poem Scott


much love…


James Linnane on New Poem – Time is…

I love the poem though I am more of a pessimist in reality well written nicely worded.


Shari Roberts on New Poem – Time is…

You are so gifted! Keep shining your brilliant light.


Tapan Kumar Kosh on New Poem – Time is…

Thank you so much for sharing this poem.


Rebecca O’Donnell on New Poem – Time is…

Scott Hastie’s beautiful Poetry is always a soothing balm which we all need, especially in the madness of modern day. There’s both wisdom and grace in his writings, and depending on my soul’s need, it envelopes me like warm sunshine or a gentle rain, washing away all the strife and tension and helping find my center again. His Word Art is, and always has been, genius.


Bonnie Roberts on New Poem – Time is…

The poem today reflects so much of what I am feeling and going through right at this moment. Time is short and always is, as you say. And that sense of the possibility of everything going awry, well, it becomes more and more possible all the time. I have been in touch with the possibility of momentary change and disaster my whole life, but now, world-wide this not only seems possible, but is. I love the way you end your poem with the new flowers growing beneath the soil and all the positive images. What else can we do but walk on and walk on and knowing, in the poetic heart and spirit, that those flowers are there beneath the soil. A moving piece, and maybe one of my favorites. May you continue to write and share your poetry!


Ewoma on New Poem – Time is…

Nice and rejuvenating! Soothing…kind of like a healing balm for a wounded world..


William Bain on Literary review and analysis of my earlier poetry by Aria Ligi

I also think that Aria Ligi’s review provides a very good analysis of Scott’s work. It seems to me that looking at those developmental aspects of the poetry generates interesting perspectives in keeping with the Romantic cast of his work.


Barbara Kasey Smith on New Poem – Time is…

Scott, your writing tempted this reader’s imagination with darkness and then the light, beauty, of a world we live in.Excellence!


Aria Ligi on New Poem – Time is…

The most striking thing here are the lines And in their

Glorious wake,

A re-energised belief

In redemption,

True beauty.

Life seen afresh

In iridescent

Colours of promise,

Long since hewn

From an abandoned sky.

Hastie hits on the need for redemption which is in us all and cuts through all the minutae that brudens hearts.


Sunaina on Literary review and analysis of my earlier poetry by Aria Ligi 

Very nice


Sunaina  on New Poem – Time is…

Nice one


Shari Roberts on Literary review and analysis of my earlier poetry by Aria Ligi 

Wow! Some people spend their lives trying to connect with the human spirit but always fall short. This is not the case with you dear friend! You are so gifted! Keep shining your brilliant light. The review is so beautifully detailed and on point I couldn’t possibly add to it. It is perfectly said!


Laura Laveglia on Literary review and analysis of my earlier poetry by Aria Ligi 

Oh my!! Aria is a genius with words. Her review is poetic in itself!!
You hit every note within Scott’s beautiful and sometimes tragic moments
Bravo to you Aria for you are the most talented writer and woman I have met as of yet!


Eric Erb on New Poem – Time is…

Scott, this is such an impressive piece. I had to read it aloud. It brings me to that hopeful place I all too often forget about. And the structure of this! It is a ladder, each line another rung that I could not help but climb.


Mahnaz on Beauty …



Mahnaz on Literary review and analysis of my earlier poetry by Aria Ligi 



Mahnaz Mohafez on New Poem – Time is…

Dear Scott,

In this poem I clearly read a message of hope. You painted the dark sky of our time with bright colors of happiness and love. Thank you!


Maxim Chernikov on New Poem – Time is…

Thank you for sharing! I have a lot of difficulties now, but at the first opportunity I am always happy to see new things in the work of old friends
With heartfelt warmth,



William Bain on New Poem – Time is…

Thanks for writing. I like what you’ve done
with ‘Time is…’. Its very timely and full of hope.
At the same time showing awareness of what
we as sapiens must hope against. But you
have given us so many strands woven to-
gether into a realness, brightened by the
importance of staying up.


Dominic M. Windram on New Poem – Time is…

Beautiful poems Scott! In its own way, it is perhaps an oasis in a vast cultural desert. Indeed it is, ‘ A rebellion/ Against waste.’


Charlene Redick on New Poem – Time is…

Your faith in love, action, effort, and courage are beautifully elucidated and lyrically rendered.
Well done, Scott.


John Rachel on New Poem – Time is…

Excellent poem! Really love the closing stanza . . .

Life seen afresh
In iridescent
Colours of promise,
Long since hewn
From an abandoned sky.


Laura Bailey on New Poem – Time is…

A beautiful song of redemption and love. Greatly needed in this crazy locked down world.
Thank you Scott so much for sharing the brightness of your vision.


Laura Laveglia on New Poem – Time is…

Beautiful poem once again and yes we never know where life will take us but with fortitude and faith the withered flowers will blossom again becoming brighter with each passing year


Bonnie J. Toomey on New Poem – Time is…

Hello, Scott.
This poem brings my immortality, hope and redemption to the fore and I couldn’t help but think of my garden replete with all of these themes. Lyrical and natural, honest and quietly free and much needed at a moment when truths like this are needed more than ever.


Sherry Marr on New Poem – Time is…

It is so wonderful to read a poem of hope and affirmation in such times as these. I love your closing lines especially…..that abandoned sky………well said, Scott!


Dee on New Poem – Time is…

A beautiful blossom of words for the transition of Springs truth, into Summers blossom of hope and change. Another beautiful piece Scott. Always a pleasure to visualize your imagery through words. TY for another pleasant journey. Enjoy the Summer!


Jeffrey Patrick Bennett on New Poem – Time is…

As always, Scott, your work is alive, breathing, and arrives with arms both empty and full. Reading this entry is much like joining in warm embrace. There’s an undercurrent, an interior movement here that erodes our resistances. I enjoy the resounding depths of your poems.


Lisa Miller on New Poem – Time is…

I like the ending. The whole poem is very nice.


Evans Egualeon on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Gone through some of your stuff.. Great pieces of art I must confess…


J.T. Smith on Covid times on an ailing planet…

These times are very tenuous and tense-laden. Fear has overcome beauty with its claws instead of tendrils.
Nothing golden stays in the appearance of Now. it is very true. Thanks Heidi. Poetry is a vernacular that streamlines the absolute Truth. Answers are within. Find your river.


J.T. Smith on Spring…

So prescient and lovely. angels will be with us for eternity & on our time with Earth’s mother.


J.T. Smith on Burning River…

Oh I am aware of these tempests. It fluctuates and undulates. The burning river is of desire and of the incompleteness one encounters in life’s soul journey. It can become obsessive and engulf the purest of hearts.
The river leads to whatever you know. It is Knowledge for those who seeks its beauty. A river of flames stokes enlightened dreams.


J.T. Smith on Intimacy…

I’ve struggled with intimacy namely other people’s bodies for decades now. i know it is very important in creating poetry. you wish for your intended audience to be one with your emotions & moods. Intimacy means subtracting any awkwardness to reach a higher plane of comfortability. i find myself seeking and seeking till the wonder is a mere atom.


J.T. Smith on New Poem – on Speckled Joy…

Speckled with all of life’s treasures indeed. joy is the utmost feeling. it even trumps personal happiness.


Serena Hudson on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I love this poem that you have written. It’s beautiful.


Serena Hudson on New Poem – Spring…

Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing.


Mahnaz on Speckled Joy…



Mahnaz on Spring…



Sharmishtha Basu on New Poem – Scott Hastie’s favourites…

I wanted to become a railway engine driver when I was a child.


Sharmishtha Basu on New Poem – Amazing Developments…

They truly look gorgeous!


Sharmishtha Basu on New Poem – There’s a storm…

Just wanted to let you know that your books are being show-cased in almost all of my blogs, 🙂

Scott says: Thanks Sharmishtha – that’s kind of you…


Calm Kate on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

A delightfully poignant poem of the heart!


Mary Hood on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I love the Elasticity of our existence.


Susan on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

How simply you wrote about the power of human connection. Bravo!


Tzvi Fieval on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

“The indelible presence
Of precious times”


Pat on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

“… One cannot help

But notice

That ultimately

It’s the intimacy

That matters… ”
In all human interaction,
every time. I really enjoyed this read Scott.
Nicely done.


Mish on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Beautifully stated and it definitely resonates. For most of us, during this past year and more we have really peeled off the layers of our existence until it has become simply that. Every moment with someone special becomes more visible and precious.


Grace on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Lovely poem Scott. Good to read you!


Raivenne on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I love this. It has a wonderful almost dreamy quality to it. And yes…
“… ultimately
it’s the intimacy
that matters.”


ms jadeli on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Such intimacy and such hope in these words. Beautiful spirit rise!


Glenn Buttkus on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Ah yes, the queue of fans wrap around the block, like the first day of sales for the latest Iphone, or voters, or the hungry. Your discourse on intimacy, on love versus sex, is sterling. I noticed for the first time that the shape of our poems have a similar perspective when it comes to line breaks.
Scott says:
Yes Glenn, I reckon we are both old enough to have some influence seeping through from the concrete poets, as to how we look to conjure our own sense of lyricism. That is apparent, without even looking at your stuff on the page, from the way you read and ‘feel’ your own poetry.


Tricia Sankey on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Feeling the energy in this! Then the ending made me smile!


Brendan on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Intimacies are forged in awkward “sways and stutters” where it’s only one and other together the way nature birthed ’em.


Kim M. Russell on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

This is such a heartfelt poem, Scott. In these times of separation, isolation and social distancing, it’s true that ‘One cannot help / But notice / That ultimately / It’s the intimacy / That matters.’


Rob Kistner on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I really feel the longing for closeness again… and still, we have the return of warmth to enjoy…


Ken Gierke on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

This is very heartwarming. I especially like:

“And when

We are together thus

Once more,

How elastic

Our existence



Bjorn Rudberg on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I really feel the longing for closeness again… and still, we have the return of warmth to enjoy…


Ingrid on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I love the flow of this:

‘And when
We are together thus
Once more,
How elastic
Our existence

– great lines, and a great poem!


Shari Roberts on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I love this poem


John Lars Zwerenz on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Scott Hastie is one of the best bards in the Western World, both in this age and in ages past, hands down.


Munia Khan on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Aglow again in the promise of so many fresh blooms.. indeed, dear Scott. Excellent work revealing much purity in so few words. Kudos! I love this ❤️ Thank you very much for yet another amazing poem.


Georgette Larue on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

That was a lovely one keep writing some more. Wishing you all the best for your future endeavour best wishes from the Seychelles


Shari Le Kane on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Your new poem is as moving, introspective, laser clear as your other work! You are so gifted! Thank you for sharing!


Janice Towndrow on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

A really wonderful poem. The language seems to embrace and wrap itself around you offering new hope and intimacy in the future. Lovely.


Neena Sharma on New Poem – Stutter and sway…


And when

We are together thus

Once more,

How elastic

Our existence


The indelible presence

Of precious times

Gone by.

Aglow again

In the promise

Of so many fresh blooms

Still to come.

Overwhelmed by the last two verses especially…How touching…,stirring the chords of my Heart, Scottie sir.
How preciously wonderful moments; yet to come that I await with bated Breath…A True loving bond between a doting Mother and her precious Child.
Yes, we may stutter and stumble…However with so many past sweet memories to cherish, a day will come which will unite us in an unbreakable indelible bond of everlasting Re-Union of ours…The fortuitously found moments of a burgeoning Life.
Amen Amen Amen.

Like all other creations of yours, this too ends on a positive note with A New ray of hope.

Congrats and Thank You for this wonderful poem!
Divine Greetings and regards



Cressida de Nova on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

A poem full of love light and hope.



Scott, I admire your dedication to this “purest and highest of art forms”. Your visionary work has always been imaginative and luxuriant. This was a profound interview, and has helped me to know you on a deeper level. Thank you for your magnificent poetry over the years.


Sharmishtha Basu on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

So true and so beautiful!



Thanks a lot for this amazing interview! I will share it in my blog tomorrow on your birthday!


Sharmishtha Basu on Scott Hastie’s favourites

Loved knowing a bit about you! Thank you!


Sharmishtha Basu on New Image – Splash…

Simply divine!


Hazel on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Oh, the depths of love… and souls touch. So profound!


Marja on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Beautiful I love “it’s the intimacy that matters”
love the idea of “our existance becoming elastic” and
“The indelible presence of precious times Gone by.” Precious times do make a mark on you.


Jim on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

“Aglow again In the promise Of so many fresh blooms Still to come.”


Don Maciver on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

“Elastic existence” indeed! Life is seldom consistent nor predictable, much less forgiving. Human response to circumstance is as varied as our individual perspective on life. Not until threatened by the unknown and unseen do we back away from may seem elusive or insurmountable. We are as gypsies wandering hapless as fearful anxieties swallow us while.

Despite the human condition, we remain committed to an inherent desire for survival. The human connection bridges the most challenging of times to help us overcome what would seem inevitable.

Another stimulating, thought-provoking composition, Scott.


Rommy on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I am also a fan of the lines Ultimately/ It’s the intimacy/ That matters. This is a lovely tribute to lasting love.


Bev Crawford on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

A lovely poem that describes so well a long and enduring love. Beautiful.


Namratha Varadharajan on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

That was lovely, Scott. So soft and beautiful.

“We are together thus

Once more,

How elastic

Our existence


That was a wonderful and enjoyable poem


Magical Mystery Teacher on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I’m very much looking forward to those blooms to come!


Helen on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Reading your poem is life-affirming …. thank you.


Magaly Guerrero on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

“Ultimately / It’s the intimacy / That matters.” This is so true, and so necessary to remember when things are hardest.

Thank you, Scott.


Colleen Redman on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Well told. I relate to the coiling and circling and how it’s all about the intimacy in any form.



What a wonderful interview. Always enjoy your poetry. Thanks for sharing with us.


Rosemary Nissen Wade on New Poem – Stutter and sway…


It’s the intimacy

That matters.



Robin on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

That intimacy is such a precious part of a relationship and is such a pleasure to share.


Joel Savage on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

No wonder your poems are admired by all age groups because of the purely moral and inspiring contents.


Esther Sommer on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Yes, memories are so valuable because they cannot be destroyed. We must be grateful that we have so many memories which really are pleasant. There are indeed some unfortunate persons who have made so many so unpleasant experiences that they are suffocated be them, stifled as if a python snake is coiled around the neck. Sometimes you have the chance to help and bring relief, because such traumatic memories are dangerous for the soul. Always believe that you can help, and maybe also gain a friend!

The meeting of souls can give freedom, indeed, in even much restricted circumstances. One realizes that the bonds which personal relationships seem to have become in the course of time are in fact very “elastic”. Sometimes a walk, a smile, a flower, can open new perspectives. Especially after this winter, I feel those little joys, but I also see the wonderful possibilities life offers when I become active in places where I am needed.

As always, I feel myself understood when I read your poetry. And not so hopeless and lonely any more in my fight for more humanity and the protection of nature …

Good luck to you, too!
Your friend



Laura Laveglia on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Beautiful poignant spiritual bond between two people
That will gain strength and love through the passing of time
The innocence in this piece reminds me of the pure love that only a child can give
Just beautiful!!
Thank you


Jan McLaughlin on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Delicate but intense with upbeat ending — good to have a new poem from you again.


Jeremy Meakin on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

A beautiful poem Scott


Sherry Marr on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Very lovely, Scott. During these challenging times, our online connections remain a lifeline to the world. So good to read you.


Jeffrey P. Bennett on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

This recalls Yeats’ “widening gyre.” Rather than imminent fate, though, or doom, you give us hope’s interior action. Your words make turning feel natural, like a second flesh, thinner and yet warmer. Thank you for sharing this.


Aadil Farook on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing


Laura Laveglia on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

This seems to be have been written from another time and place and is as precious as a child…
I truly love this one thank you


Mickey L. Morgan on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I’m trying to get through B.K.S. Iyengar for the same breath training. This is wonderfully calming.


Seddigheh Badiei on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I appreciate your lovely words


Mahnaz Mohafez on New Image – Splash



Mahnaz Mohafez on Latest Syndicated Interview

Very good!


Mahnaz Mohafez on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

That’s the story of life shining so brightly through your magical words, dear Scott!
Stay safe & blessed!


Mickey L. Morgan on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I’m trying to get through B.K.S. Iyengar for the same breath training. This is wonderfully calming.


Shobana Gomes on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

A gorgeous poem, Scott. Quite a work of art.


Parlay Vyvette on New Poem – Stutter and sway…



Banu Bidarkund on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Beautiful, and subtle.. amazing grace to you show in your verses.thank you


Laura Bailey on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Dear Scott,
The best is yet to come !
Thank you for sharing this beautiful, optimistic poem…
Greatly needed and wonderfully written !


Paul Bowles on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

A beautiful and touching poem Scott.
This poem resonates for me and yet your delicate handling of it also helps me
to see life in a more refined way.


Jenna on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

May our existences become “aglow again.” This is very romantic, nostalgic yet hopeful.


Cecilia Raldua Martín on Latest Syndicated Interview

Thank you so much Scott for this interesting interview, I love Poetry and Literature, I love to read, it’s my passion, you have a special talent to communicate, have a nice evening.


William Bain on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

“… ultimately
it’s the intimacy
that matters.”

Hi Scott, and thanks for writing once more.
I like the above lines very much, and in fact
the whole poem. It touches nerves perhaps
like Bobby Dylan’s song ‘Dream’

But those lines and the poem’s final stanzas
caught me up in a particularly forceful way.
And it’s just generally it’s good to hear from you
and know you’re well & still working away , as I of course
assumed you would be.


John Richter on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Very concise, fundamental emotion. Love this one as a fundamental part of our shared lives here in this thing called life. You have a gift for that Scott. To partially quote American Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall: “I don’t know how to define life (sic), but I know it when I see it.” This poem is life!


Sandra Jeffs on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I love this. Thanks for writing and sharing it. Cheers!


Rev Robert P. Mitchell on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Your poems always speak to the heart, and end on an upbeat! Thanks ever so much. We all need that — and especially I need that! thank you for staying in touch with me. I feel as if we are old friends… Blessings!


dsnake on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Like a refreshing breath of fresh air.
Thanks for sharing!


John Rachel on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

“… ultimately

It’s the intimacy

That matters.”

As if cities of cement, towering tombs of aluminum and glass, isolation in fish bowls with wheels, weren’t enough to empty us of the vital spirit at the core of each of us, now we are told to “social distance” and mask off the windows of connection with one another. Yes, it’s the intimacy that matters and without it, we individually and collectively become a void.

Thanks for being such a lucid and brilliant light during such dark times, Scott Hastie!


Dominic Windram on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Beautiful poem, very poignant…hope springs eternal!


Bonnie Toomey on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Thanks for sharing your poem, the “indelible presence” of something gone – beautiful.


Gillena Cox on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Thank you Scott, for your poem.

Luv the hope and renewal mood

“Aglow again
In the promise
Of so many fresh blooms
Still to come.”



Dee on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I will simply say I love it!
It’s a testimony of what we have gone through, yet reminding us that our connections will carry on, despite our distance.
Another wonderful rendition of our times, thank you for reminding us the beauty in all situations of life.


Barbara Kasey Smith on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Hastie, your writing with great images draws me into a world of awesome thoughts. This takes me on a journey of the days that have passed me up. Awesome!


John Lysaght on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

A wonderful poem about the depth of love and companionship that adds enduring elasticity of comfort and joy to our lives.


Kapardeli Eftichia on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Amazing my friend A dream with perfume…


Brain Heffron on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

It contains that sweetness that love brings us. The blooms of spring come through. Love is all.


Lisa Miller on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

I like it. It is very smooth.


Aria Ligi on New Poem – Stutter and sway…

Where to start with this? Hastie, at his pithiest, and yet at his most romantic, combines that longing which is intrinsic to the human quality of connections and the how we go about our days, commiserating past the banausic to the rarified grand experience that we call life. In this the passage

And when
We are together thus
Once more,
How elastic
Our existence
The indelible presence
Of times
Gone by

And then the crescendo:
Aglow again
In the promise
Of so many fresh blooms
Still to come.

He has reflected back to us, and with subtle almost subliminal inferences, to think one where we have been, where we will be, the how the connections, like the blooms of proffered through them, continue to shine.


Mahnaz Mohafez on Amazing Developments



Cecilia Raldua Martín on New Poem – There’s a storm

Congratulations Scott, I love Poetry, this is interesting. Good luck.


Rebecca O’Donnell on New Poem – There’s a storm

Scott Hastie has the uncanny ability to touch the soul with Words which are sorely needed, at the exact moment we need to read them. It is a rare talent to be able to reach inside us all with such rich and fluent grace.


Sharmishtha Basu on New Image – Pastel perfect

This is gorgeous…


Sharmishtha Basu on Covid times on an ailing planet

That is a beautiful critique. Thanks Heidi.


Sharmishtha Basu on Recent Writing

Your poems truly are amazing! I was happy when your blog opened without a hiccup.

Thank you also for allowing me to share your messages and books, they are always a good ingredient for the Ezine or blogs. You have written and read quite some books! It is amazing that a historian is such an amazing poet too! Historians write stories once in a while, never heard one writing poetry. It is quite something!

Its an honour to have you in Agnishatdal. Thank you for becoming a part of it.


Bernard Harris on New Poem – There’s a storm

For of all thank you Scott!

I hear your heart spill words from within
They spark and ignite like the stars
It is the passion of life
Never resting but running
Like a river into the sea,,,

This is what I heard when I read your poem!
One who not only lives life but feels it…


Sharmishtha Basu on New Poem – There’s a storm

Beautifully said, storms too are necessary! Part of life!

The blog opened without a hiccup today. Let us see if it keeps doing it in future.



Aadil Farook on New Poem – There’s a storm

I read your new poem. Its fantastic. Really enjoyed reading it. Keep it up.


S. Tai Branett on New Poem – There’s a storm

You are a gifted writer and poet Scott.
I became swept away for a moment to a good place.
Absolutely brilliant!


J.T. Smith on New Poem – There’s a storm

There are electrical connections which often burn and tether the awakened state. i feel as though these ideas are part of a greater purpose. The thunder could be a catalyst for these sparks of primordial energy. often we are blessed with life’s lovely sunsets. The moon hangs like a star inside our sky. well, Shakespeare aint a modest credit. His style is very much an element of Nature and human tragedy.


Esther Sommer on New Poem – There’s a storm

Are there allusions to The Tempest in this wondrous poem? Oh fear me not the heat of the sun? Confined to a remote island they find many eerie and new things; some even find love. Restriction sometimes enables us to discover our own possibilities, things we never had the time to. No tyrant there to command us, but pure freedom. Frightening for those who are not used to it. Adapting to catastrophe needs much courageous intellect, such as yours! Thank you and many greetings…

Scott says:

Good to hear from you Esther and thank you for your thoughts on ‘There’s a storm’. And how wonderful and heartening for me that you see things the way you do.

Yes indeed, The Tempest has always been one of the most powerful releasing keys in my writing, ever since I first studied this, my favourite Shakespeare offering, as a young 17/18 year old, when it immediately permeated deep into my soul and has remained there, as a guiding light, ever since. And am thrilled that you have seen this as clearly as you have.


Malak Chehab on New Poem – There’s a stormWonderfully put!

Succinct and effective


Noel Hankin on New Poem – There’s a storm

Thanks for turning me onto your last poem Scott. It conjures images of the creative process and how we need to exploit the energy we have to pursue our dreams – or else our dreams will be lost.


Zahra Rahimouri on New Poem – There’s a storm

It was great! thanks for sharing


Cressida de Nova on New Poem – There’s a storm

Storms abound in this terrible time Somehow we will get through it…the heart singing is a good start.


Susie Clevenger on New Poem – There’s a storm

A beautiful, poetic expression of what many of us go through at some point.


Dwight L. Roth on New Poem – There’s a storm

Nicely done Scott! I am waiting to sing and sing and sing again!!


Brother Ollie on New Poem – There’s a storm

Cool – I found myself reading it aloud. Lyrical goodness Scott.


Neena Sharma on New Poem – There’s a storm

Ah Scottie sir…You have chiselled a wonderful marvel out of your creative instinct…Welled perhaps from your own treasured experiences I must say! Indeed, Life is not easy…We face every storm, braving each situation as though a fleeting scene of life, which you compared to the drifting landscape while travelling in a train and beholding through the window…So must we view every scene as a detached observer/bystander.

However, the quest for inner Joy remains. After every dark tunnel is a Ray of Light of hope. If we remember that nothing stays permanent…It is transient.
We shall gradually move from Despair to Hope, Darkness to Light…
Amidst the Storm, trust your inner instinct-the Divine Spark within.

Beautifully portrayed Feelings and Emotions- the pangs of your conscience!


With warm Greetings and Fond Regards


Old Egg on New Poem – There’s a storm

Such is life that we have a chance to enjoy it to the full or moan about it. Even today as an old codger there is still much to love.


Audrey Howittt on New Poem – There’s a storm

Storms birth all sorts of wonderful changes–and singing gives those changes grace–loved this–


Colleen Redman on New Poem – There’s a storm

The reference to sand makes me think how it can be smooth and comforting but also grist, an irritant. We tend to have amnesia after the storm. Love is the boat that has saved me.


Rommy on New Poem – There’s a storm

I am grateful for the sparks that inspired and warmed me, even the ones birthed in storms.


Beverly Crawford on New Poem – There’s a storm

:Such is our quest” …. A thoughtful and evocative poem, and I’m captured by thge last two stanzas.


Magical Mystery Teacher on New Poem – There’s a storm

To sing until I am no more sounds like a pretty good fate to me!


Magaly Guerrero on New Poem – There’s a storm

Truth dances so well with poetry; I especially love the first stanza, how it reminds us of why everyone thunders at some point.


Hazel on New Poem – There’s a storm

So soul-soothing. I love the hope and comfort in your words. Thank you so much.


Munia Khan on New Poem – There’s a storm

Yes, we love to live surrounded by the light of hope and positive vibes. Yet another excellent piece of work, Scottie. Always a pleasure to read and enjoy your insightful poem which never fails to bring joy! Thank you very much for this work.


Rosemary Nissen-Wade on New Poem – There’s a storm

There are times when this quest seems particularly challenging. You make a good case for doing it anyway.


J. Cosmo Newbery on New Poem – There’s a storm

“Otherwise living
Soon becomes too soft,
Like sand
Running through
Your fingers fast.”

Ain’t that the truth.
It is so easy to have nothing to show
for your time on this planet
Other than you age.


Khaya Ronkainen on New Poem – There’s a storm

That raging storm fuels our lives, and often our writing. Yours is a brilliantly captured storm. Your poem reads like a song, and speaks to the heart.


Prasenjit Shome on New Poem – There’s a storm

It really is a beautiful feeling to read the poem.



Rebecca O’Donnell on New Poem – There’s a storm

A much needed, different angle to view hard times. Thank you, Captain, my Captain.


Aria Ligi on New Poem – There’s a storm

Hastie’s new poem is a river of angst and hope beginning with such lines as:


“Otherwise living

Soon becomes too soft,

Like sand

Running through

Your fingers fast.

As if on a speeding train,

An idyllic summer’s landscape

Just drifting you by.

While culminating with the efferscent

To dare to make

Our hearts sing and sing…

And sing again…

Till we are no more!”

Surely in reading this, we are given hope that the struggle, to live in this life, and in this world, is not for naught.


John Lysaght on New Poem – There’s a storm

A beautiful poem rich in imagery. A burning fire, one of desire is a life force that is essential to becoming a participant in today, but it needs to be managed.


Cecilia Raldua Martín on New Poem – There’s a storm

“Wonderful poem as usual, thank you so much Scott.”


Barbara Kasey Smith on New Poem – There’s a storm

Dear Scott, this drew me in immediately, many of us are in these same types of life, the world seemed to be out-of-sorts for people. People must hold onto their beliefs, never allow falsehoods, conspiracy to fool with our minds, hold-on to what we have. Awesome Writing Scottie! Barb:)


Maxim Chernikov on New Poem – There’s a storm

This is an excellent metaphor for our crazy time and the need to resist the winds of chaos with the strength of spirit and strength of conviction!
Your friend and poet from Russia
Maxim Chernikov.


Linda Lee Lyberg on New Poem – There’s a storm

I love these lines:
‘Our tentative dreams,
Might one day garner
Sufficient purchase
To spark into life.’
That’s exactly how dreams become real- simply beautiful!


Gillena Cox on New Poem – There’s a storm

Very interesting. Luv the image of sand drifting through our fingers, Indeed we should live life and not let everyday just escape us

Much Love…




Hank Kaykuala on New Poem – There’s a storm

Limited by such narrow Constraint,
Such is our quest,Come what may

Yes Scott, there is a desire even expectations in all of us, like it or not!



Mrityunjay Dixit on New Poem – There’s a storm

That spark is very essential, loved it!


Ingrid on New Poem – There’s a storm

‘To dare to make

Our hearts sing and sing…

And sing again…’

Oh yes! A great poem. I agree there is a storm inside all of us, sometimes we write it out…


Helen on New Poem – There’s a storm

“One I hear many speak of… a burning river of sorts” ~~ you pulled me in, my heart skipped a beat reading these words … a beautiful poem.


Tvzi Feivel on New Poem – There’s a storm

Concisely expressed truths; very relevant.
Reflection upon the poem bears new light.


Paul Bowles on New Poem – There’s a storm

Thanks for the poem Scott. It is always welcome to be reminded of the hearts tug towards the joy of existence after a storm. It reminded me of ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow.’


Ben Alexander on New Poem – There’s a storm

In reply to Lillian.

me too! 😀



msjadeli on New Poem – There’s a storm

“And it comes
Upon us like thunder,
Like flashes of light
Along the line
Of a fracture.”
and then the gentle turn of
“But fear not”

Beautiful writing, Scott. Comforting also.


Georgina on New Poem – There’s a storm

I love the images of the storm but also the softness of sand and the running out of time. I guess we have to enjoy all weathers and as you say sing as we do not live long.


Ken Gierke on New Poem – There’s a storm

Well said. The songs born from those storms should be openly embraced.


Glenn Buttkus on New Poem – There’s a storm

I live with rage and pain, as I watch the things I used to enjoy and do fall away like dead skin. Yet, joy is still in the mix, and poetics and photography and fellowship urge me to arise with each dawn expectant and eager to jump back into the fray and tumble to come.


Kim M. Russell on New Poem – There’s a storm

The storm is there but not everyone has experienced it, let alone embraced it. Those of us who have are blessed.


Sanaa Rivzi on New Poem – There’s a storm

The opening lines really grip on my heart, yes there is certainly a storm inside all of us which reminds us that we feel, we think and have opinions and views and can make a difference. It tells us we are alive ❤️ and that the world is ours for the taking.


Lillian on New Poem – There’s a storm

I most especially like the affirmation in the ending!


Bjorn Rudberg on New Poem – There’s a storm

I like the thought of the storms coming from fractures… to me it talks about embracing the changes that come our way… enjoying the ride as much as we can…


Laurel Barron on New Poem – There’s a storm

Congratulations Scott too see your thoughts written by handheld is the best thing.


Madame Peacock Jones on New Poem – There’s a storm

All is well with me. I hoping everyone is in your circle of love are doing great. I enjoy reading your poems. They are phenomenal. You are a breathe of fresh air for the world to enjoy, relax and ex-hale. Happy New Year, and I’m always happy to hear from you. Always, Always!


J John Nordstrom on New Poem – There’s a storm

Brilliant work, Scott!!!


Mahnaz Mohafez on New Art Work – Dream of days




Mahnaz Mohafez on– OUT NOW! Selected Poetry

Congratulations, dear Scott


Mahnaz Mohafez on – OUT NOW! New Poetry



Mahnaz Mohafez on New Image – Pastel perfect



Mahnaz Mohafez on New Poem – There’s a storm

Fantastic! Thank you, dear Scott!


William Bain on New Poem – There’s a storm

Coincidentally I thought of you a few days
ago. So writing to you was in the back of
my mind. Or r somewhere “in there–interesting
that phrase back of the mind. In any case,
in the front of my mind: your new image
(well, newly posted) is very captivating and
inspiring. You get some tremendous shots
with your photography.

“There is a storm” is harder to summarize.
One image that struck me as spot on is
sand running through your fingers fast.
That addition of “fast” really brings home
what sand does—or one of the things it
can do, depending on how you hold your
hand. There we always are, I think, holding
ourselves or looking at life now this way,
now that. Perhaps that is what your writing
most successfully brings out, our human
need to seek happiness, joy, which can
come/go fast or slowly.


Mbizo Chrirasha on New Poem – There’s a storm

Great stuff…I will feature in TIME OF THE POET REPUBLIC,
Thank you greatly for sharing


Jay Fluery on New Poem – There’s a storm

Hello my friend from across the Pond… as ever a poem to ponder, Yes? May many more poems come forth???!!! Best, L.Wilfred Fleury D.Th.


John Rachel on New Poem – There’s a storm

I love this!

“But fear not,
Such friction gathers
All the while,
As it needs to.
So that these,
Our tentative dreams,
Might one day garner
Sufficient purchase”

Yes, to know the fear and doubt can be pushed aside to make room for our dreams — perhaps tentative at their inception — to emerge. How often we ourselves create obstacles. And how paradoxical is that!


Pedro de Quadros Du Bois on New Poem – There’s a storm



Laura Bailey on New Poem – There’s a storm

Wonderful, soul searching verse !
Thank you Scott so very much for sharing.


Julie Canfield on New Poem – There’s a storm

Lovely. You have so beautifully described what we all feel at times. Thank you for your so eloquent use of words.


Shari Roberts on New Poem – There’s a storm

This poem is outstanding…


Sasho Ognenovski  New Poem – There’s a storm

Thank you for sharing your poem. I just wanted to write to you. I’m editing the fourth issue of my literary magazine “Literary elements” Let me know if you want me to translate your poem and to include it in it. It’s a hard copy and it’s on Macedonian language. I’ll send you a copy once it will appear.


Lisa C Miller on New Poem – There’s a storm



Dee on New Poem – There’s a storm

As Always Scott, your vision is spot on. As is your ability to express it. Love your work, congratulations on yet another profound work of art. Your view of life and the world is truth encompassed in beauty. I hope you’re aware of the lives you touch with your vision.


Myrna on New Poem – There’s a storm

Lovely. May we always sing.


Sherry Marr on New Poem – There’s a storm

Yes, our hearts must keep singing. There is always beauty, no matter what! Lovely poem, Scott.


Brandon Ellrich on New Poem – There’s a storm

Very nice…


Pushkar Bischt on New Poem – There’s a storm

Amazing lines.
I am also alone in my rebellion, Dear Scott.


Sharmishtha Basu on Another new publication

I love the name!



Sharmishtha Basu on New Poem –A Love Poem

Simply divine!


Sharmishtha Basu on first reviews for Timeless and Splinters

Beautiful words and they are so true! Your poems are magical!


Sharmishtha Basu  on Timeless – a review by Aria Ligi

Great review Scott! Your poetry is amazing!


John Rachel on Timeless – a review by Aria Ligi

Taking an appreciation of Scott’s poetic genius to a new level!


J.T. Smith on Timeless – a review by Aria Ligi

Life shakes us like a violent wind. Scott Hastie the ever philosophical poet of our times mirrors our own sadness, fulfillment, and the dreams which run away a long distance. He is eloquent as well as mindful. I learned so much of romantic love from his oeuvre. Aria is a delicate flower that germinates into oneness. I must concur, Pranic Poetry is the magnum opus of Mr. Hastie’s collection of wisdom.
Splinters of Light feels like the culmination of all those decades seeking and wandering and wondering on the essence. I do hope more new writers can rediscover classics. We need to be observant. I implore you to scroll your emotions and pursue the ultimate Truth.
