New Poem – each of us…










Each of us orphans

On this dizzy sphere,

Initially cast adrift

Without a mooring point.


Even as infants,

We hunt intuitively

On the surface

Of the kind natural world,

That immediately enfolds us,

For divine connection

And it offers us just that,

Even if only fleetingly.


Weak as we are,

It’s not always possible

To hold station for long enough

To heal as we should.

But look how,

With all our hungers,

Our needs stretched

On the steely breeze of existence,

We do so love to feel

The warmth of safe harbour

Whenever we find it.


Here we can nuzzle,

Nestle for a while,

And feel safe enough

To open ourselves up,

As we need to,

In search of the key

To trials and experiences

That will make us whole again.


Summoning the compassion

To share the pain of others,

Or fearlessly becoming

The fiercest of lovers perhaps?


And how I long

For that abandonment again

More than anything else,

And the opportunity it offers,

With our gift of self,

To rouse something eternal

In the ascendant,

Impervious to all peril or decay.


A luminous shape

To forever call our own.


  1. Nice…it is a beautiful thing to give ourselves away…to allow ourselves to feel the pain of others and be moved to compassion…

  2. Gorgeous, Scott…

  3. Beautiful, insightful, deep, thought-provoking work, Scott!!! I loved reading it, want to read it again and again!!

  4. This is nice, Scott. Makes me want to write poetry again. (I’m glad to hear your newest books is doing so well!)

  5. Beautiful Poem Scott…Congrats on the new book….Marilyn

  6. Written from the depths of your vast soul. Every stanza resonates meaning.

  7. This is a good poem about how we show our compassion to one another, to give up our time for sharing the pain with other people.

  8. Mahnaz Mohafez

    What a beautiful poem! Thank you, Scott!

  9. Nivedita Yohana

    This is so profound. This is precisely what I feel too. Each of us orphans, and searching for faces to recognize us and straining to listen to the voice midst of the noises that engulfs us. Indeed Scott each of us crave for the warmth of that safe harbor and sadly that warmth is fleeting or sometimes it is an illusion. Absolutely brilliant, Scott! You have lucidly and candidly captured this emotion with great intensity.



  10. Drew Clausen

    Once again Scott your writing is great. Thanks for sharing

  11. Demetrice Gooden

    Beautiful work, Scott. Ciao. xx

  12. Agron Shele

    Congratulations Scott! Excellent poetry!

  13. What a beauty is this, Scott… I particularly like the stanza that starts “summoning the compassion…” but the entire work is profound, heartfelt and meaningful. Bravo!

  14. Niloufar-Lily Soltani

    How nicely said!”It sure feels great to feel the warmth of a safe harbour”. It sure feels great to read a poem about caring and sharing. you write beautifully.

  15. While this poem may seem to some as pollyanna like- it also holds deepening truths about the choices we make, and how and if we choose to embrace what is given versus what we choose to express. The first paragraph:

    Each of us orphans
    On this dizzy sphere,
    Initially cast adrift
    Without a mooring point.

    recalls to each of us that though we are birthed from parents, even if they are lucky enough to be a solid unit, that in the end, we are still orphans cast off in the ship of life. This could be the end, but it is not, as the poet tells us he is still yearning for:

    For that abandonment again
    More than anything else,
    And the opportunity it offers,

    Again the idea of choices is put before us, and what we do with them, once we set sail on this thing called life.

    Well done.

  16. Lovely message ~ Thank you

  17. Your line, ‘On the steely breeze of existence’, describes me to a tee. I live on that sharp edge of being and feel connected with your poem. Thank you.

  18. Louis Cecile

    The sense of being connected and disconnected run so parallel within this knowledgeable poem. A sheer delight to reflect on the concepts it portrays.

  19. June Sciortino

    Hi Scott,

    I have just read this poem – beautiful, so perceptive and compassionate, loved the photo too.

    I then wrote this Haiku for you:

    “The lingering sun,
    Caresses a drowsy sea,
    A goodnight gesture.”

  20. Rebecca Odonnell

    Dear Scott,

    Your work leaves everyone breathless. I’m so happy it can at last reach the world!

    Love, R

  21. Lovely poem. Congrats on all the wonderful feedback you are getting from your book, that’s great!

  22. Scott:

    You have taken us on another journey of introspection as we seek connections both human and divine. We must always pursue opportunities for compassion, and give of ourselves; as you do in your excellent poetry.

  23. Your words are well chosen, and ultimately perfect!

  24. In a word, gorgeous, Scott. I love this part in particular;

    “On the steely breeze of existence,”

    How often I feel I am there. Lovely.

    Congrats on your book as well.


  25. Asma Abdi

    Well done Scott, brilliant work and easy to touch and feel the thing you are saying. thanks for sharing it and congrats for your new book, doing so well.

  26. Your poem resonates with me. Thank you. It is profound, perceptive and touching.

  27. Nice poem, Scott.

  28. Its a Great poem Scott. All the best.

  29. Vinita Agrawal

    A divine composition. I like the way your thoughts meander through the process of seeking and finding the ultimate truth of our existence but come to the conclusion that ultimately each of us must carve this wholesomeness from within ourselves and our consciousness. The last few lines bring this out beautifully! Brilliant Scott!

  30. Hi Scott,

    I couldn’t agree more with you on ‘Each of us orphans…On this dizzy sphere…’ You have put some profound feelings so beautifully in words.

    Keep enchanting everyone around with your beautiful poems!

    Best wishes,


  31. Christina Portillo

    Scott’s work has had such an impact that I will be sharing it at the University of Nebraska.
    His work is splendid and needs to be shared.

  32. Shari J LeKane-Yentumi

    Pursuit of the divine mystery is paramount to the life journey in “each of us” – you’ve captured the ethereal quality in every moment.

  33. “The warmth of safe harbour”…so wonderfully inviting, comforting. A beautiful write as always Scott.

  34. I really like the depth of this poem, Scott, AND its message.

  35. Tender and beautiful. Treasure the moments; be brave enough to let them pass.

  36. Lovely Scott… I especially like the 4th stanza.

  37. Very lovely. We’re all seeking somewhere to rest, to feel safe.

  38. all month I am writing about surrender
    to give up the smallness of self
    to get lost to be found

    loved your poem!

  39. Very lovely poem with some strong feel the pain of others is a gift of the heart called compassion..

  40. If we manage to have that courage to have compassion with others and love others, it definitely is a beautiful thing…

  41. Speaks to me of a profound longing that we all share in (whether we know it or not).

  42. I especially like the last two lines and the following also resonated with me:
    With all our hungers,
    Our needs stretched
    On the steely breeze of existence

    That image of stretched needs, like the canvas a little too tightly on a frame…

  43. You’ve captured the soul of humanity with those words.
    Thank you, Scott

  44. This is beautiful. The stanza below is particularly moving, for me:

    Summoning the compassion

    To share the pain of others,

    Or fearlessly becoming

    The fiercest of lovers perhaps?

  45. This is just the message that carriers across barriers and oceans – great work

  46. Well stated, indeed it is the one constant in man’s lifetime, the search to have and to hold the belonging that assures us we are not an island.

  47. Well..there is no doubt in my mind IT is happening ALL around we are connecting as a globe now..with smaller dark lights of disconnectedness….

    I could see that @ALL until i became connected..2…ALLasONE..

    Once again as a child that lived in my eyes..

  48. Yes, we’re all looking for a harbor, aren’t we?

  49. I liked the part about compassion, feeling the pain of others. Because until we do that we cannot connect no matter how much we need to.

  50. You have an amazing way with words, truly beautiful.

  51. Highly thought-provoking. You have managed to capture almost all shades of life in one piece. I loved it. Brilliant poetry.

  52. Oh my goodness! This is my favorite poem that I read today – and I have just read the entire pantry non-stop. Love the message in this poem. So much! Wowzers!

  53. A beautiful discourse of life, in words. Thanks for sharing the poem.

  54. Neena Sharma

    Scott Sir, you have truly captured through this poesy the crux and core of all human beings, which is the soul and its divine connection with another luminous star like sentient and omniscient energy called GOD. Though formless,bodiless like God,we as souls are a dot in virtues( as is depicted in your an orphan); whereas, God is an ocean of virtues and powers.We are weak, vicious, not all virtuous unlike the supreme soul. We are orphans without Godly powers and timely succour.Your great poetry carries a deep subtle,figurative meaning,which could not be easily fathomed by an ordinary being. A very sensitively written poem. All the same, one could identify oneself as a soul with its innate attributes of peace,power,purity,truth,love , bliss and knowledge;to dispel our weakness or gloom looming large at any point of time,in life.
    Great going,as always…

    Keep up the good work!
    Divine regards

  55. So very good Scott.
    Anna :o]

  56. Nice poem and terrific web site!

  57. This poem took me to travel my infanthood to adulthood with grace and beauty accompanying through the gifted verse of Scott.. BEAUTIFUL

  58. Roman Long-Gonzalez

    Scott, you indeed have a gift of words! I am so thankful being in touch with you. I hope one day, I can improve me own work and reach my goal of brilliant work. I am in awe. Cheers, Roman.

  59. I really love this-
    Great poetry, Scott

  60. Your writing vividly describes our need for each other by subjecting us to what it means to be physically vulnerable to nature. In doing so, I think you make readers experience our inherit fear of our natural condition and pursuit of safety in numbers. In short, you do an excellent job of depicting our motivation for building great civilizations; humanity is insecure.

  61. Lovely, Scott. I’m rather dense when it comes to poetry, but several lines struck deep within. This verse in particular resonates:

    Weak as we are,
    It’s not always possible
    To hold station for long enough
    To heal as we should.
    But look how,
    With all our hungers,
    Our needs stretched
    On the steely breeze of existence,
    We do so love to feel
    The warmth of safe harbour
    Whenever we find it

    I wish much success. It is deserved.

  62. Vinita Agrawal

    Awesome! The last two lines are killing in impact! I love the thought that runs through thus poem – living life everyday but searching for something more…something that separates the husk from the grain of existence. Aren’t we all hunting for just that? Your poem is a fantastic ode to that journey hidden at the cure of our hearts and our souls. Loved it dear Scott!

  63. I would love to forever be updated on this great poetic blog!

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