New Poem – For Dylan Thomas…



“And death shall have no dominion”

Given all we are born to

In this gorgeous sunlit bower,

Whatever bonds we forge,

Even as charmed infants,

Or the more teasing passions

We might uncover later

In this deliciously viscous,

Verdant world,

They all come from this.


Our chance of flesh and blood

And there’s no coming back

From that,

Nor should there be.


For any alternative

Would be impossibly dry,

Like dancing endlessly

With tattered ghosts

Already decomposing

Before your very eyes;

The defeated drunk at the bar,

A broken hearted

Chalice of dreams,

As dry as dust…


And God knows!

Tis precisely

Such a luscious procession

Of fruitful opportunity

That keeps us aglow.



So, as one long,

Lazy summer’s day

Chases on another,

Let us indulge ourselves

As kings and queens of the moment.


Quaff deeply of all that is on offer

And in loving increments

Fill our vessel to the brim.


And surely,

Better by far to live like this?

As if without a care,

In good faith too,

Whilst our spirits are still eager

And bodies abundantly charged.


Knowing that when these,

The best of our glorious days

Have been and gone,

Then to sleep contentedly

With angels

Is all we could ever wish for.






  1. Lukman Clark

    Scott, these lines are beautifully alive and poignant. Isn’t it marvelous how some of our best stuff comes forth in paeans to other poets.

  2. Dylan Thomas would most certainly have been moved by this gorgeous, inspired poem, Scott. I have a renewed sense of perspective and optimism in its read.

    “So, as one long,
    Lazy summer’s day
    Chases on another,
    Let us indulge ourselves
    As kings and queens of the moment.”

    Such beautiful transition and deeply personal connection.

  3. What an insightful commemoration! I always enjoy reading your impressive poems, Scott! Thank you.

  4. J.T. Smith

    Dylan Thomas would be so proud. it has a richness, a conciseness we all need now.

  5. Susan Beckman

    Scott once again excellent…Dylan would buy you a beer! A complete condensed trip – birth to angels Love it!

  6. Laura Bailey

    The horses on Hudson Street threw him mightily to the ground. He kept getting up and shouted his curses to the defeated ones. Only winners are ever wanted at the bar. Thank you Scottie for the splendid verse.

  7. I am a fan of Dylan Thomas and I especially enjoyed the lines:
    ‘Like dancing endlessly
    With tattered ghosts
    Already decomposing
    Before your very eyes;
    The defeated drunk at the bar,
    A broken hearted
    Chalice of dreams,
    As dry as dust…’

  8. Brenda Atry


  9. Beautiful work filled with heartfelt emotion. Wonderful tribute to Dylan Thomas, one of the starry legends from English Literature. A real pleasure to read, Scott! Thank you for this amazing work. Hats off to you great poet!

  10. A very fitting tribute to Dylan Thomas. Further to Susan’s comment above, he would probably have bought you two beers!

  11. John Lysaght

    I really enjoyed this poem.
    I reminisce about the times I have had a jar within the gaze of Dylan Thomas, looking back at me from his mural at the White Horse tavern, the scene of his last drinking binge before passing away at St.Vincent`s hospital days later. It also makes me think of Jack Kerouac, a skeleton in drink who passed at 47.

    We are by chance who we are, who we can become by the by the opportunities we embrace, a life
    fully absorbent fueled by good faith.

  12. Darlene MIchelle McPeek J.D.

    “Sleep contentedly with angels” … lovely. Wonderful, Scott! ❣ Beautifully written. I love it. …

  13. Grace Vaughn

    Such a serene and peaceful poem. I really, really like this poem.

  14. Seddigheh Badiei

    “Let us indulge ourselves
    As kings and queens of the moment”
    Oh dear Scott, I’m really affected by this great poem. Thanks alot

  15. Upon reading your words, Scott, I am always stricken by a sense of peace and balance, inspired by the great potential of your verse and keenly engaged. How remarkably fine to close this piece in this way; beautiful.

  16. Remarkable words and realistically true to our life. Indeed we ought to be living
    “contentedly” as the poet says.

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