New Poem – Somewhere…



There’s never a sigh,

The choicest of gifts

Are always given,

Never chosen.


Our precious being

So much more

Than a vessel to fill,

When the world

Is so awash

With opportunity.


So dare to ignite

Fires of desire

Wherever you are,

Even if all

You might then

Be tempted to wish

Could be yours forever,

Will, one day,

Be lost to you

In a changing of the light.


One in, one out,

It’s a rum do!


Along with the fear

Of being forsaken

Or forgotten.


This will never happen

To a generous heart.



  1. Laura Bailey

    The fire is always beautifully within your poems.
    Thanks so much for sharing the wonder.

  2. Bjorn Rudberg

    I really love the wisdom in this, to the generous the gifts will be given… if only it would work.

  3. As the Beatles sang,”the love you take should equal the love you make.”

  4. The opening stanza is so true, Scott, and I love the call to ignite fires of desire’ – great use of internal rhyme. In the end, win some and lose some.

  5. Perfect timing as always, Word Artist. Your poems are balms to my often weary spirit.

  6. A lot of wisdom in this poem. the Bible talks about being blessed to the generous person, recieing in return the gifts they gave.

  7. This is incredibly evocative!❤️ I love the wisdom in this poem especially in; “Our precious being so much more/Than a vessel to fill/When the world is so awash with opportunity.” 🙂

  8. I like your poem, and you are a crazy man to be crouched in the snow in your skivvies!

  9. Kindness and a generous heart leave a huge impression, nicely written!

  10. I like how the choicest gifts are always given.

  11. Being generous and open to all is a gift. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Lovely poem and great advice. 🙂

  13. You have a thoughtful and gifted pen. A generous heart will indeed be remembered.

  14. A wonderful celebration of life! “Our precious being so much more than a vessel to fill” – so very true. I can feel the joy and longing in this piece and I dare to share your vision. Very invigorating and inspiring. All well stated!

  15. Whitman had that welcome of the world which came from an open heart. Big cost for it, but big payoff, too.

  16. Drew R Clausen

    Missed you in writing. Myself found a wonderful group of writers who challenge each other on facebook in a page there called Artistic Prose. Stop in and see all the great poems.

  17. Dear Scott,
    This is a God-given gift to touch hearts by majestic words and you are the one who possesses such a gift. I really enjoyed reading this new poem. Thanks and the best of luck to you.

  18. Your poetry is rich with, words and images allowing a reader to experience the greatness of the writer. Life us short, time swift. Excellent in so many ways! Barb:)

  19. I love the wordage, and the message to appreciate and live in the moment.
    We have the power to create wondrous things, Another beautiful poem Scott.

  20. Quite splendid.

  21. This is wonderful Scott!

  22. Paul Bowles

    Nice job Scott, funny how current your words are with my feelings of things and then you say it in such universal terms. Yes, definitely ‘reignite the flame’ in spite of whatever, while there is time. Desire to Aspire, kind of.

  23. I smiled at this. Thank you for those beautiful and reassuring final lines.

  24. I really like this one, you think I could write because I have have breast cancer, I feel nothing at all.

  25. I loved your poetry Scott

    Life has always been full of surprises
    Something waiting at every corner
    To be spelt
    Right or wrong
    It’s for us to decide

    I always want the right
    It’s a long way to go
    For life is a journey
    We meet at certain roads
    And maybe never meet again

    Memories for company
    Fondness to hold
    For nothing happens as planned
    Nor are there miracles
    Every breath of this journey is planned…


  26. Mohammad Ali

    Very nice and emotional
    Your poem evokes my heart and mind towards love and thinking.
    This kind of poems that I love to read.

  27. Dominic Windram

    Another inspirational poem from you Scott. It quite literally teems with spiritual significance!

  28. Sunaina Sindhwani

    So much more than a vessel to fill… Such powerful words… Perhaps I was looking for such just such a kind.
    Thanks Scott,God bless

  29. Carol Burt

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful
    poem, Scott. I just wonder if you’re using Medium to publish your poems, too. I find it much more profitable than my blog – but then my blog isn’t as popular as yours.

  30. Richard J.Mann

    Thanks Scott

    Enjoyed your poem – and the pic.

  31. So wonderfully inspiring, Scott! Such a lovely way with words and their engagement you have my friend.

  32. Don Carroll

    Great piece Scott!

  33. Such a bit of timeless advice and lesson. This made me smile. Thank you !

  34. it’s hard to open up, but I think we are always glad when we do.

  35. There’s a wonderful message in this poem. Beautifully written, Scott.

  36. What a wise and uplifting poem

  37. I looked at your photos and they are amazing.

  38. Somewhere could very well be where you are. It’s all a matter of perspective. 🙂 Sweetly upbeat piece.

  39. Chrissa

    A wonderful meditation.

  40. Oh, may we all cultivate generous hearts!

  41. Scott, I really love what this says about being good and giving. How a heart that gives will never truly need to ask–there will always be another to give back, when one isn’t stingy with one’s love.

  42. Such a beautifully positive poem. I am surprised you can smile in that photo though…brrrrrrrr!

  43. I love this ‘dare to dream ‘write.Life is far too short to not take the chances presented to us or as you say, ‘ignite the fires of desire’.

  44. I never heard of a rum do. Love the sentiment shared here.

  45. Nice and pithy. I love the stanza So dare to ignite

    Fires of desire

    Wherever you are,

    Even if all

    You might then

    Be tempted to wish

    Could be yours forever,

    Will, one day,

    Be lost to you

    In a changing of the light.

    One in, one out,

    It’s a rum do!

    With its zesty rhythm, it sparkles.

  46. I like your upbeat mood. it is much needed in this depressive world.

  47. Excellent! A lot of wisdom to linger over, here. If we do not remain open to positivity – even in dark times such as this – we, surely, will never find it.

  48. Yes, one will always be remembered for what they gave rather than what they took.

  49. Enjoy your poetry. This is a dying art. Thank you for striving so well to keep it alive.

  50. May we all keep those fires alive!

  51. Neena Sharma

    Yes Sure enough, dare to ignite the fire withing you. Age is after all just a number. However the soul is eternal. There is a whole Universe within you. So keep forging ahead with a ‘never say die attitude’, with all the grit confidence and courage. Become the beacon light for all, Shiny soul..My dear Scottie sir!

    A very uplifting and enlightening poesy, ending on a positive note. Bravo!
    So wonderfully inspiring! One must never give it up , come what may.

    Thank You For sharing yet another marvel!

    Divine Regards

  52. I have to think of the conclusion and wonder if it is true, for I have seen generous hearts be forsaken and even forgotten by others… but I realize what you say is true, for a generous heart will never have the FEAR of being forsaken and forgotten. This is indeed a blessing.

  53. Nivedita Yohanad

    I absolutely adore your new poem- it is a delight to take a sip from the pool of your wisdom. The poem so eloquently highlights the ephemeral quality of life yet, the generous spirit that every human is capable of, stays immortal. Ultimately, all the chances we took or did not dare take, tears of triumph and failure, regrets, success, sadness and joy are souvenirs for being a human. I absolutely love how you conclude all your poems- filled with hope and with a refreshing feeling that washes you when you see the beaming horizon of dawn. Even though, life is transient, we need to live moment by moment and cherish.

  54. Anna Wilson

    I read your new poem and enjoyed it.

  55. Jt Smith

    Simplicity is the rarest of miracles. We strive through the twilight of later time to become less than we perceive.
    It’s knowing that these gifts of desire are already within us. We might seek and try to explore our fears in order to figure out what joy is remaining. I understand that for some of us the name of death conjures up the darkness. Scott, continue to be generous with your heart. It allows understanding and giving to multiply.

  56. You are the most generous of all hearts to have composed such glorious piece of truth and wisdom. I love this excellent piece, Scott. You are indeed blessed with a divine poetic skill. Keep up your amazing work. Always a pleasure to read your poetry~~~

  57. Sara Voaides

    You have an interesting variety of work.

  58. Nyona

    Great inspiration to remain positive.

  59. Mark Lusardi

    Hey Scott, Been reading your excellent poems.

  60. I am am a believer that we are not deserving but given!
    Yes the generous heart is never forgotten
    Beautiful and written from one who’s heart is loving!!

  61. Darlene Early

    Delightful write

  62. Alexander

    Very deep, inspiring and thoughtful. Look forward to reading more.

  63. Alexander

    When the soul speaks fire ignited and you my friend have engulfed the multitudes on flame. Very deep, inspiring and thoughtful. Look forward to reading more.

  64. I sense a strong emotion and confidence beneath the skin. An elegant and sleek style with a contemporary feel. Love the poem, Scott.

  65. This is a wonderful thought Scott! I can see both hope and a knock that reminds us of the treasures this world has to offer, the ones we often miss because of our ignorance or lack of belief in self. The desire spoken about is also missing in many, missing or rather forgotten. Whatever is the case, people who do not have the fire lose their touch with lives and often complain that it is boring or pointless. They cannot see the wonders that only a true believer of the power of nature and influence of mere existence can see.

  66. Emma Hammond

    Beautiful Poem Scott!

  67. Nicholas Korn

    Nice work Scott

  68. This is brilliant… Thank you Scott

  69. Terry Stolz

    The gift of life is best experienced when it is engaged. Thanks for the opportunity through your words

  70. Baani Arora

    The poem is beautifully written. I love how in a world where negativity creeps in every corner, you’re still encouraging and inspiring people to give. The following lines were my favourite:

    Along with the fear

    Of being forsaken

    Or forgotten.

    This will never happen

    To a generous heart.

    Thank you for filling my day with positivity. 🙂

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