New Poem – always stay loyal…



Always stay loyal

To that which feeds your soul,

Knowing, as mortal entities,

We can never go any higher

Than when we nourish

A little of God in ourselves.


Like a thin seam

Of silvered mineral within

There’s a hint of divinity here,

Some mystical suffused essence

That stays charged,

As if in the flow

Of an endless crystal stream,

Till our own sparking current fails…


This being so,

As our own life’s energies

Leak steadily away,

Every step we take

Is interlaced with goodness,

But that we knew it.


For deep, deep down

In the very wellhead of life,

Far beyond melancholy and despair,

Where real sweetness dwells,

There is an ever abundant

Reservoir of light

To be drawn upon by angels.


Fuel for a gathering readiness

That looks to ensure

We will be more than content,

When the time comes,

To simply surrender all we are.

And, in doing so,

Give sap,

Some shape, some form

To the many blossoms still to come.


  1. As we go about our lives, giving little bits of ourselves away to those that need it – we constantly need to be filling our own cup. Turning inward to that well of light so that it replenishes us. If we don’t – we eventually run out and run down – because our own energy/our own power is never enough.

  2. Laura Laveglia

    Hi Scott! Your new poem when reading seemed to give me joy and hope. that is what I got out of your write.
    This one, as many of your poems, has to be read more then once, for your poems are multi leveled!!!

    xoxo Laura

  3. Laura Laveglia

    Also, forgot to tell you. LOve your new photo! What kind of flowers are the red ones in background? So pretty!!!!

  4. Loiriam Jimenez

    This is a beautiful poem. We all need to stay loyal and have the loyal people out there. <3

  5. I like your new poem and your pic.

  6. Ashlie Allen

    For deep, deep down

    In the very wellhead of life,

    Far beyond melancholy and despair,

    Where real sweetness dwells,

    There is an ever abundant

    Reservoir of light

    To be drawn upon by angels. – These lines are extremely memorable and haunting. This poem is amazing, Scott. The lyrical voice in your poetry is dazzling. Great job!

  7. Oh Wow, Scott, this is a beauty! Such a wonderful message, the drawing forth what is within, the reservoir of light we draw from, and, especially, surrendering ourselves, at the end, to nourish growth yet to come. A stellar piece! Loved it!

  8. Beautiful words about our journey toward the light.

  9. Kofi Asokwan

    ‘Our Essence Here and Beyond’ we well acknowledged when we ALWAYS STAY LOYAL … Bless You, Scott Hastie

  10. Jerry Lynn

    I liked this and with the nice photo too.

  11. Julie Canfield

    What a beautiful poem! I loved how this one and ‘Toil and Spin’ spoke to my soul.

    I am currently putting together notes for a manuscript on healing and rebuilding after a divorce. I would like to include these perhaps or parts of them. At some point I would like to discuss this with you if you are interested. I will, of course, have your name on the page with the poem or it’s section and yes your name, book title, website can be indexed in the back.

  12. Mahnaz Mohafez

    Beautiful poem as ever,dear Scott! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Scott- the poems flow is seemless and touches the soul. Great writing that inspires.

  14. Carolyn Harkless

    Very nice, thank you Scott …

  15. Lesa Weller

    Wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing this.

  16. Nice… Been a bit quiet myself recently. My blog went off air as its designer disappeared and the host co pulled the plug. All came as a bit of a shock but most of it was backed up so will recommence soon. Cheers!

  17. Brian Wakeman

    Beautiful command of language and expression of ideas…

  18. So moving… Stirred my soul deeply.

  19. Scott’s poems always rejuvenate. This one was like a silver cup of fresh cool water. I feel refreshed just reading these beautiful words.

  20. Patricia Yeager

    As always, beautifully expressed, Scott. Thank you.

    Love the pic as well.

    God Bless, Pat

  21. Another gem, Scott. Your poems come few and far between, but each one is well thought out, concise and precise, and filled with wisdom and clear intent. I love reading your work.

  22. Scott, I’m so glad to see you back here with this latest spiritually intriguing poem–a questioning of who we are and where we are going and what we might leave behind. I hope the last line is true! Good to read you again!

  23. Laura Bailey

    Thank you Scott for sharing this very lovely poem. Sending you greetings from across the Great Pond…Take care and have a beautiful and healthy week!

  24. Such a beautiful written piece, my friend. Glad to hear you are healthy and writing again. Keep smiling

  25. My dear Scott, other than having occasional computer problems, I’m fine!
    Your poem, as always, speaks of the truth of Life, as it should be lived.
    Thank you !!!

  26. Charlie Zero

    Scott, your words are filled with energy and light.
    You’ve open up a door in everyone’s perception,
    seeing the goodness and beauty in each and every one of us,
    the earth, nature, etc.

    Love this new poem of yours.

  27. I should read this poem every day upon rising. It’s message is timeless and perfect for times that challenge one’s faith in human nature and hope for the future.

  28. Rochelle Soetan


  29. Donaa Diabiase


  30. Aria Ligi

    Love the ending of this. Especially:

    To simply surrender all we are.
    And, in doing so,
    Give sap,
    Some shape, some form
    To the many blossoms still to come.

    It has imagery which will reach many. It is cleverly crafted with a grace and insight that is softly infused within.

  31. I love your poem. Scott, check out my new site at because I would really love to put your poem on my site.
    I’m donating the proceeds from the sale of my paperback book toward my Cause to Help The Forgotten Children. I was one of them so I know how they feel.
    contact me at
    I suggest you to read the About Page first.
    Thank you for the wonderful poem. I’m never disappointed in your poems.
    Bonnie Gail Carter

    • I Love your poems Scott and if you give me permission I would love to post them on my blog site and/or website. I would love to give you more exposure.
      Thank you,

  32. First, before I read your poem, I want to speak of the drape of your eloquent hand that speaks of the most elegant of mudras a Buddha like you could evoke, as if ribbons of twining light spilled through rich blood flowers to us from off the screen. I see an initiation string in the langour of your right wrist. Your open forehead furrows diminishing concern, and I’m happy about that. You crouch easily, so I think you are Hatha yoga fit. You look relaxed into your skeleton, and a little bit tired. You seem present, authentically, yet I could not guess what you are thinking. I will come back tomorrow. I must sleep now in Cincinnati . . .
    Love from one of the world’s fools,

  33. Greetings Scottie

    This new poem captures the depth of an endless dream. It is evocative yet hopeful for the human wellspring of goodness. We live in dire times. People lose faith, abandoned by their positive spirit for lightness. I believe your elegant poem makes us wonder about the affirmations we tend to take for granted, most of all, this is a human-based poem. it knows how to feel & it knows how to love. Thanks for your kindness.

  34. Very moving,,,, luv it,

  35. David Carranza Sr

    Love the depth of your expression Scott…A Poets Soul and A Writers Heart….Humbly Proud to Call You Friend….

  36. Clifford Brooks

    You have clarity…

  37. I believe that we all need to read something everyday that is inspiring and true and yours especially Scott

  38. Alexandra Psaropoulou

    Dear Scott what a beautiful poem full of hope.

  39. You look great on this new photo, Scott 🙂 and your poem is wonderful, as all the rest. Keep writing!

  40. Drew Clausen

    Scott I really enjoyed reading this great poem..Which is another in a long line of great poems that you have written and shared on here..I hope to read many more.

  41. Kelly DeVries

    Pretty words and images :). Thank you for it:).

  42. Caroline Vriesendorp

    Just : Thank you for your wonderful words…..

  43. Steve Petrou

    Your poem is great Scott. I could not help myself and read most of your other poems. You are truly gifted. Congrats.

  44. Scott:

    You captured me early in your poem with these words:
    “…nourish a little of God in ourselves…”
    I always call upon the Holy Spirit within for inspiration to write, and I do find it very nourishing.

    ~ Richard Havenga

  45. Scott, Your poem is moving, inspiring and very profound. The soul is the center of our being and saturates all emotions, responses and ones divine nature. When we listen, reflect and are aware of eternal life our soul is hungry to give, love, share, and embrace others. Our soul is the light that illuminates from within and shows humankind who we really are. May each of us be led by our soulful light that shines brightly telling us to act in kindness and to love one another. How joyful and rich.

  46. Yes, this is a beautiful poem that clearly demonstrates that happiness and contentment in life is freely available because we have that germ or grain of it already inside us. All we need is faith in ourselves.

  47. Scott, This poem is exactly what I needed to read in my present state of mind. I loved the lines that Ashlie mentioned. I will be referring back to this on the days my own soul seems deleted and needs the power of your thoughts to feed it continual hope.

  48. “There’s a hint of divinity here”…this makes our life worth living…nice thoughts and photo 🙂

  49. Margaret Nash

    I loved the poem. My favorite yet.

  50. Sayed H. Rohani

    One of the most beautiful spiritual poems.

  51. Onitra Wilkerson-Proffer


  52. Carol Zielinski

    So deeply moving and beautiful!!! Love it!!

  53. This is profound & inspiring – it left this reader knowing there is something great to look forward to as the body washes away the time. Truly loved this latest poem – it couldn’t have been written any better – it’s inspiring and uplifting.

  54. Scotte, so wonderful to see your soulful depth in words return. You have such a marvelous way of peeling back the many layers of the human condition. Wonderful as always my friend.

  55. Such an amazing work filled with wisdom and light for life! A poem to treasure. Thank you so much Scott for this beautiful piece. A real joy to enjoy your great mind through every line…

  56. Neena Sharma

    Wow..Beautiful poesy with a positive message dear Scottie sir. Loved reading and devouring the same 🙂 Bless!

    Indeed, we all have inner Godly treasures of Peace, love, light purity and Bliss. Enjoy giving and sharing the same…Yes, be loyal to yourself first in order to understand one’s own self better so that we could vicariously feel what others, our friends/well wishers want from us.The original nature of soul is peace, love, care and compassion. Be it, radiate the same…Only Love, joy and Happiness… :)Amen!

    Divine greetings …Fond Regards

  57. Dr Jelka Samsom

    “Far beyond melancholy and despair,
    Where real sweetness dwells”….yes, how well and beautifully put!

  58. The poem is very lovely and touching…

  59. Lisa Miller

    I really like your new poem and the picture is beautiful. I especially like the first paragraph of your poem. The line about nourishing a little bit of God in ourselves.

  60. Scott, as always I find such a deeply profound engagement with your words. That “gathering readiness” and “content” of which you speak rings so true. I managed two successive independent retirement living properties over a five year period and my experience with the residents was truly remarkable, your words given reference here a direct correlation with what I observed so clearly in so many of our dear friends there in their final stages of life. I came to realize and understand much in that time, their time.

    So good to see what you have shared here.

  61. Nice poem Scott.

  62. Such a gorgeous piece, Scott. That opening stanza just blew me away. I mean Wow! Inspired work…

  63. I do like your philosophy as you expressed it here, Scott.

  64. Nivedita Yohana

    I read this poem, not once but at least eight to ten times. It is so uncanny. The words you have so beautifully carved out in your poem came as a harbinger in the dawn as an answer to the questions which were haunting me lately.

    The answer was precisely in the first lines “always stay loyal to that which feeds your soul”. In life, I have always stayed true to my inner voice. However lately I was in an introspective mood and questioning myself and all the decisions I had taken. I was wondering if I did the right thing by following ardently and audaciously to my inner voice or should I have just adhered to the norms of the society and catered to the expectation of every

    It is not easy to stay loyal to your inner calling – often lonely with lot of challenges to face resulting in unhappy people whose expectations were not fulfilled and a dissatisfied society judging you harshly. It is more poignant in traditional societies like India.
    Though, in the end, listening to your inner voice always pays off. The soul is there for a reason, not to be taken for granted, but to honour it as best as we can in order to become truly fulfilled beings.

  65. Xerxes Aga

    We Zoroastrians believe (Yes, I am a Zoroastrian) that God implants a fragment of Himself in our souls when we are born. This fragment we call the Farohar. It stays with us throughout our lives. It is a silent observer. Never interfring with the decisions we make or the acts we perform. Yet it is a constant, though subconscious, reminder of the divinity within us. This being so, our lives are guided, unbeknown, to the righteous way. Unless, through sheer perversity, we stray.

    Your poem, to me, is an affirmation of this belief.

    May Ahura Mazda be with you. Always.

  66. A perfect voice to hear of on a Sunday – your poem. This is well-written, subtle way of reminding our limitations as humans.

  67. This is beautiful!

    Of an endless crystal stream,
    Till our own sparking current fails…

    I agree that each one of us has God reside in our hearts and soul. Loved the positive vibes flowing through this poem 🙂

    Beautifully executed.
    Lots of love,

  68. Good to see you back – and again seeking the light – ‘a thin seam.. Of silvered mineral within’ – such a beautiful line..

  69. Lovely poetry! Inspiring, especially the opening verse, which I absolutely loved. 🙂

  70. Absolutely stunning – silvered sap – essence running within… gorgeous inspiring and the climatic almost incantation to give..
    Give sap,
    Some shape, some form
    To the many blossoms still to come.

    Yes, absolutely stunning … Bravo

  71. I am always moved by your work Scott–Beautifully penned and so inspiring–

  72. Kerry O'Connor

    You offer your reader much to mull over in this poem. Excellent use of comparison. I like the photo of you amid the blooms too!

  73. Oh, how I love this place you have exposed:

    “For deep, deep down
    In the very wellhead of life,
    Far beyond melancholy and despair,
    Where real sweetness dwells,
    There is an ever abundant
    Reservoir of light
    To be drawn upon by angels.”

    Have a blessed Sunday

    Much Love…

  74. Scott this is a very powerful read and starts with the amazing first lines…..these should always be our mantra to stay true to ourselves and to that which feeds our souls! Magnificent!

  75. Still loving the message in this poem!

  76. This is one gorgeous write…thank you,


  77. This was really wonderful. Just the thing I needed to read today!! Thanks for sharing and reminding me of this message, Scott 🙂

  78. “Where real sweetness dwells”–love the optimism here…this idea that there is a wellspring deep within that will be there when we really need it to carry us through.

  79. Well written, those thin veins always lead to a larger load.

  80. Great piece Scott and certainly love the reference of the title in that of the muse.

  81. Wow! What an absolutely beautiful poem about life and death. I too am convinced there’s a piece of divinity within us all. I hope we all keep nourishing it.

  82. Sylvia Mui Ling Johnson

    I love to read your Poem…..

  83. Lovely and so expressive!

  84. Leilanie Stewart

    Your poem is very uplifting, Scott, especially as a pick-me-up during tough times. Love the photo too!

  85. Ninel Nezhiguy


  86. Samira Yahyaie

    Thanks Scott It’s great…

  87. Lisa James Brewington

    It’s cool, Happy Summer

  88. Wihelmina M. Leonard

    This poem – It’s very nice.

  89. Shauna McNiven

    Lovely flow, and a great way to live. Blessings <3

  90. Nice to see this one again, Scott! Hope you are having a good summer.

  91. I think a philosophy like this should be shared with everyone… A lovely way of making the world a better place,and prepare us for a good end.

  92. Most excellent message and way to live. I like the flow of this as well.

  93. Scott, thanks for including this stirring poem and I don’t mind getting into your huge queue of admirers & supporters. As a septuagenarian who still has a passion for writing & performing, immersed in photography & my thousands of old movies on DVD, & my books, and stacks of ephemera scrapbooks–your piece resonates strongly with me; every word sterling.

  94. This stanza could stand alone,

    “For deep, deep down
    In the very wellhead of life,
    Far beyond melancholy and despair,
    Where real sweetness dwells,
    There is an ever abundant
    Reservoir of light
    To be drawn upon by angels”

    Love it!

  95. Very nice. We are definitely created in the image of God and it is important to nurture and grow that image within. Peace, Linda

  96. There is a wellspring, thankfully and I have to stay loyal to it, thank you for the reminder. I love the idea that there is a sweetness deep down inside of us .. an inherent goodness, a little of God in ourselves. I believe it to be true.

  97. Beautiful sentiments, persuasively put. I particularly like that reservoir of light!

  98. I like the positive attitude towards life:

    Every step we take
    Is interlaced with goodness,

  99. Lovely…. And yes, we must bloom. 🙂

  100. I should like to re-read and re-read this poem, until it settles in my soul. My divinity – if I ever had any – seems to have gone into hiding.

  101. Mark McKay

    Moving and very powerful.

  102. Loyalty – a powerful concept

  103. So lovely. This fed my soul. Thank you.

  104. Great images for expressing the way we can construct links to the infinite and divine with our shared symbols–words, and through them explore our own understanding of the human soul.

  105. These lines, especially, are stunning:
    “Like a thin seam
    Of silvered mineral within
    There’s a hint of divinity here…”

  106. Mystically effuse

  107. I guess the first step is to look within..
    and truly for years.. it is all external..
    a rat race.. of energies stolen..
    perhaps a couple of hours
    on an Interstate road..
    or a power outage
    from storms..
    sooner or
    later if
    we are lucky
    as fate will have it..
    a draw within makes
    human painting come fuller
    alive in colors.. away from drab
    grays of culture.. the power lives within
    Just waiting to be tapped by a higher US in FLOW..:)

  108. Well stated…however, there are times when even the most hopeful lines are not easily followed..when pain cripples, paralyzes one for a time..and the pain seems unbearable…that is when I will pull this out to read.

  109. Beautifully written, with a wonderful sense of optimism.

  110. “We can never go any higher
    Than when we nourish
    A little of God in ourselves”

    That is such an amazing and powerful write. Kudos to you.

  111. Give sap,Some shape, some form
    To the many blossoms still to come

    One is mindful of what goodness that are expected to come in the future. One should be seen to encourage the ‘blooms’ impending appearance. Wonderful write Scott!


  112. I found this to be very thought provoking and insightful. The fourth stanza is my favourite. Beautiful write.

  113. Beautiful. Reminds me a lot of Zen Buddhist principles. You have an elegant way with words.

  114. Too often we forget, in the heady rush at the instant of tasting, that the sweet sap of life grows and flows slowly ~

  115. As usual, very interesting and well thought out theosophical view within the poem’s content. Kudos, Scot.

  116. Your soul shines through in this, and it’s a delight to meet you, a kindred spirit as I tend to see the glory and joy in life too.

    I like the silvered seam image a lot and agree it is ever present.


  117. Hans John

    I like your poetry books – smile emoticon

  118. Cathy Flower

    Thank you Scott. I’m glad I read it. I am going through a little chaos these days and am glad I took a moment to read your words.

  119. Terri Marie

    This is a nice piece. It reminds me of one I wrote recently that was inspired by Revelation 22

  120. so much poetry is seemingly inspired by melancholy but the 4th stanza offers a deeper well to draw on and exudes into the final verses. Truly inspirational!

  121. Luisa Vinuesa

    Thanks for your inspiring words

  122. Age concentrates the mind on the eternal questions no one has the answers to. I like the journey in this poem through understanding self, spirituality and transcending this realm for eternal darkness or starlight. Excellent poem Scott.

  123. Jennifer Doviak

    This poem is absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing these with all of us. You’re truly brilliant and so gifted. Have a fabulous day!!! BTW your profile pic is really nice!!!

  124. Good poem. I especially like the first six lines, “Stay loyal to that which feeds your soul…” That is the main reason I still write at all.

  125. Your poetry is richly worded and thoughtful. Thanks for sharing it with the world!

  126. Hello, Scott! 🙂 Fantastic writing!! I absolutely concur with Kenneth Higginson! I thoroughly enjoy reading your work, dear friend!!

  127. Jon Aretakis

    The last few years of my life have been extremely difficult. I lost my way. I lost my faith. I lost the connection with that “thin seam of silver mineral within.” Your poem is a breath of hope and a reminder to get back on the spiritual beam and continue. Nice work. Keep writing!

  128. Anna Moon

    Your poem I really like . Poems must be written in the soul, one has to give them heart
    (maybe it sounds like a cliché , but it’s a profound truth) And in your poems , I feel the beauty of your heart.

  129. Mary Grace Borren

    Beautiful and makes my heart swell with unity in all living creations. We are all connected !

  130. Terry Jones

    Love it!!

  131. Walter Haywood

    This is a good thing to apply to your lifestyle….

  132. Roman Gonzalez

    What fantastic poems and photos! I continue to love the simplicity and intricate details of the souls you provide in your new poetry! My hats off to you my friend! Cheers! Roman.

  133. Joan Ascanio

    Your poems are interesting.I detect the influence of Asian literature in your poems.

  134. Wonderful, exquisite, lovely to read and savor!!!

  135. L. C. Atencio

    Great writing Scott.

  136. Its Nice Poem Scott, I love and enjoyed reading it.

  137. Rose Fox

    I really like this poem Scott. It is very touching and well written. Have you published any books of your poetry? It would be well worth thinking about if you have not. I wish you all the best. Rose Fox

    Scott says: Thank you Rose and yes, several collections are are
    already in print – available both from the trade (Amazon etc.) and also direct from this website…

  138. Your words here are something of a reunification Scott. The comments here represent the many ways you touch heart and soul…how wonderful is your gift. This may well be my favourite to date…yes, I truly believe so.

  139. Absolutely beautiful opening lines! The poem flows like a dream and has the cadence of deep spirituality. I could read this over and over again and still find something new to absorb from it. Your best, Scott!

  140. Roopika

    Scott Hastie My dear friend…A wonderful poem which touches the deep heart. When we are loyal and truthful to ourselves then we dont’ have to fear to walk alone in life because we will have the divine hand with us helping us each step of life. Thank you for the wonderful thought.

  141. Abdul Rehman Ansari

    Wonderful and well versed poem

  142. Reading again. I just love this.
    Hope all is well!

  143. Seasideauthor

    Such wisdom. Smile.

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