A touching review of ‘Threads’ by Deborah Hodge

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Oh, that mankind would love and finally understand each other…


This book is a true masterpiece.

Scott pours over every letter and syllable, breathing in their meaning conveying the essence of time itself.

What strikes me about his work, is that if humanity lived in tune with their souls as this, we would have an end to war, hunger poverty and distress. Mankind would love and finally understand each other.

The contents of this book are timeless and here is a significant wordsmith of the 21st century.

I liken his spirit whispering to the sweet essence of Toni Morrison and the pieces are steeped in culture, both ancient and modern.

Life stood still for a while whilst I read this. Threads brings together the essence of our souls and at last gives meaning. I cannot recommend this enough.


  1. Every word so worthy its due consideration Scott. You instill so much of what humanity needs desperately in this day. I read “Threads” with emotion and the gift of a great and promising journey. You live and breathe the essence of live through the ‘fine art’ of writing.

    By the way, my sincere compliments to your photographer…gorgeous visuals of yourself and your surroundings one and all.

    Cheers my friend.

  2. Mahnaz

    Great review of a superb work by Scott Hastie!

  3. We are surely stitching our stories together, and much intersects. Thanks for this word weaving.

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