

New poem – In between…

Posted by on Mar 2, 2023 in Blog feature, Gallery, Recent Images, Recent Writing | 50 comments

New poem – In between…














In between

The doors

To the known

And the unknown,

This where we can

Get lost altogether,

If we don’t take care.


Our spirit

Destined to wither,

If we hesitate

And let this miasma be.


See how

So many planets


Circle their sun,

Such ardent yearning

For fertile valleys

Never once fulfilled!


Truly, in the shadow

Of such doleful majesty,

We are forever young!


And for that blessing


We must always

Be looking to take

The unique

And fabulous chances

We’ve been given

Whilst we still can.



New Poem – by dint…

Posted by on Oct 4, 2022 in Blog feature, Gallery, Recent Images, Recent Writing | 30 comments

New Poem – by dint…


By dint of

So many undulations

Of faith, of mettle,

Of resolve

On the surface of this,

Our mortal struggle.


What finely tuned


There is already

In the story,

The pattern,

The textured travail

Of our lives.


As if encoded


On some shiny

Lacquered disc.


Such that

One could imagine

We might well

Be tempted one day

To gather up

Some vast audience

And sing our hearts out.


But why

Should we

Ever need to,

My friend?


When all we love

We have given

Our hearts to…


All we honour

And still hold to be true…


Will still ring out

So loudly,

Long after we’ve gone.

Movie Time!

Posted by on Sep 25, 2022 in Blog feature, Gallery, Recent Images, Recent Writing | 15 comments

Movie Time!


Here’s the thing… In Life, the trick is when you get on a roll, do your very best to stay on that roll…
With this in mind, less than a month on from the confirmation of my ‘Going to the Moon’ junket, I have now received a serious expression of interest from a well-established, top quality film producer here in the UK (already with his own strong network of contacts/links in LA/Hollywood) to evaluate the prospect of making a full-length feature film, based around my latest draft publication ‘Memoirs of a Romancer’
This is someone who has had his fair share of credits and recognition, winning awards and being shortlisted at major film festivals both here in Europe and in the US and is currently beginning work on a major US funded movie with a stellar cast
Once again, How Amazing is that!!
But, of course, don’t be holding your breath for too long on this one, as such projects, even if they come off, are usually several years in development.
I simply wanted to share this great news with closest friends and family, at the earliest opportunity. Because who knows where it will take me next!
Seems like everything is gradually falling into place, what with my new agent up and running – now already three months in and raring to go…

Scottie goes into Space!!

Posted by on Jul 25, 2022 in Blog feature, Gallery, Recent Images, Recent Writing | 16 comments

Scottie goes into Space!!
Just when it seems life can’t get any better… ASTONISHING NEWS! Which I’ve only just received this weekend, is that an anthology featuring my poetry has been inducted into the Polaris time capsule, launching via the 2024 Space X Astrobotic Griffin lander / NASA VIPER Rover to the Lunar South Pole..
This is the very first I heard of this extraordinary development and it’s all very well clocking up millions of visits around the world – but, by any standard, this is a truly stratospheric development and represents potentially a whole new demographic for my readership! Beam me up Scottie indeed… I couldn’t be more thrilled… So many Thanks to Samuel Peralta – USA Today & WSJ Bestseller, Golden Globe Nominated, Emmy Winning Film Producer who, entirely unbeknown to me, took the initiative Stateside to make this happen for the collection entitled ‘Chiaroscuro’ first published in 2017 by d’Verse. His Lunar Codex Project making sure that the best of the writing, the art, the music and film the world has to offer will be going to the Moon in a sequence of three already planed lunar landings beginning in 2023.

New Poem – Come what may….

Posted by on Jul 15, 2022 in Blog feature, Gallery, Recent Images, Recent Writing | 52 comments

New Poem – Come what may….


Come what may,

Good days and bad,

Ancient seeds

Of inbred fear

And lust to be



Shoot forth

With evolutionary purpose,

An illusion of progress

It’s hard to shake off.


Oh, that we had learnt!


Kept much closer

To mind,

All we and our forbears

Have since seen

Play out here.


The lessons of the past

Repeatedly urging

Upon us

A far more generous,

More forgiving,

Less acquisitive

Pattern of being.


And all the while,


The brooding moon,

An erosion of emotions

And ambition

Already misspent,

Leak into sorrow

And wastefulness.


But wait!

In our hearts

A far kinder dream

Speaks to us still,


It’s shape

Belongs to heaven.


Oh, that we could ever

Acquire the humility,

The lift of true grace

To claim this vision

More courageously,

Here and now.

New Poem – The Spark..

Posted by on Mar 31, 2022 in Blog feature, Gallery, Recent Images, Recent Writing | 58 comments

New Poem – The Spark..


The spark

In a void,

Once only a shell.


A curl,

A husk of life,

A chrysalis

Waiting to burst.




A morning look

That welcomes


No sour or arid

Sleep now.


Such rising spirit

A swelling mound,

A fine, fresh

Moist prominence

Of sorts,

Eager to receive

Such gain.


Pressing, breasting,


To leave its mark.


And yes,

We all leave

Such stains,

Such energies

Behind us,

For there’s

No other way

To be generous here.


Giving back


At our own expense

Into a rinsing bowl

Of tears.


The sparkle

Of our dreams

Caught threadbare,

Between the cracks.